Supernatural/paranormal/fantasy dramas have been receiving much love from viewers worldwide. Some examples include “My Love from the Star”, “Goblin”, “Legend of the Blue Sea”, “Korean Odyssey”.

Ever since the overwhelming success of “The Master’s Sun”, we face a shortage of Suspense-Thriller-Rom-Coms with a tinge of dark humour (that grip your hearts). There were probably a few attempts, but none really satisfied that innate desire like “Master’s Sun” did. “Lovely Horribly” is a combination of “Master’s Sun” and “W- Two Worlds”, where it has defined its unique genre.

You would be intrigued to find out more from the very 1st episode, with many mysteries & questions waiting to be unraveled. It has a mixture of ill-fated destiny, ghosts, unknown powers of the supernatural, zero-sum romance, thriller, suspense, comedy, and how eerily that tragic events in the script would eventually become reality.

The one element that makes this drama stand out is the zero-sum fate of our lead couple.

It piques your interest to want to find out if it were the supernatural forces, ill fated destiny, or humans who caused this “zero-sum” fate.

They are polar opposites – when one is enjoying all the success, luck, happiness in life, the other would be extremely down on luck and be plagued with misfortunes.

How should these 2 persons co-exist then? If only 1 between the 2 can live on, who will it be?

The initial 7 to 10 ep were fast-paced and full of suspense. However, it fails to live up to its expectations for the last few episodes. Viewers may start to get weary after the story begins to unravel and you kind of know where the plot is leading you to.

Many characters in the drama harbour dark secrets and have their own agenda. It makes you wonder, if the unknown like supernatural beings are scarier than human beings or vice versa. As you age, you would fear for the safety of your loved ones more than other things.

The great CGI and sound effects attribute to how the drama has managed to grip audience’s interest. The “tock tock” sounds of the high heels, the landslide, murder cases, errie music and dark runways were all portrayed very well. I watched 80% of this drama during wee hours and it is so SHIOK, since it was packed with mysterious and eerie elements, and many bizarre happenings left you lingering for more. You would applaud at how they could all link one seemingly small scene to big incidents.

It’s cute watching how these 2 loggerheads bicker and slowly fell in love with each other. The chemistry is there but not compelling enough to make you totally believe the “I will die for you” rationale.

I love the funny interactions whereby Eul Soon would always be Philip’s life savior, be it during the “stabbing” incident, landslide and many more, where he would clutch on to her and find ways to make her stay around till the end of the drama filming. The one scene that Philip trimmed Eul Soon’s messy hair for her would send ripples through your heart.

It seems that Park Si Hoo is a little restrained in expressing the role. I can’t feel the depth of his love for Eul Soon as compared to Eun Soon’s love and sacrifices for him. There isn’t much 发挥空间 for him, except to add some comedic elements.

Song Ji Hyo has always been a natural and versatile actress, since “Wishing Stairs”, “Princess Hours” and “Emergency Couple”. She has the good looks, intelligence, wittiness and the ability to act with her heart.

She had messy hair, no makeup on for half the drama, had the worst of luck, no true friends or family members with her. From time to time, your heart would cringe when you see how sad her life has been and some of the flash backs with her foster mother.

This drama wouldn’t have kept up to its good raves and exciting pace without the help of the supporting roles.

Jang Young Nam was the key person to link through the story. As a mum to both of them (birth mother and foster mother), we see how she sacrificed for her children and took pains to make sure both of them would be safe, whether she was alive or dead.

Lee Ki Gwang’s role as Lee Sung Joong, a PD who has a hidden ability to see ghosts is a good addition. He’s Eul Soon’s “Black Knight” – the one who will always support her and catch her back whenever things happen.

Eun Jung always has her way in making her 坏女人 roles very convincing. She does irritate the hell out of you as someone who is over possessive over the man she loves and would do anything for him. She did not feel a tinge of remorse or guilt for what she has done in the name of “love”. We feel that she has a lot of potential to unleash in future works.

You would dislike Choi Yeo Jin in this drama. All the unscrupulous things that Eun Young would do to succeed would make you cringe. I also like the last few episodes where she “sold” her soul in order to be able to write better than Eul Soon.

I like how Ji Seung hyun depicted his character as a group mate who turned jealous and sour over Philip’s success and felt that Philip was responsible for the plight he is in.

Isn’t this mentality just so true to everyday life?

It’s always easier to blame others for the “plight” that you are in, than to really seek inner answers, which you already have.

There was one scene in Ep 6 which had very meaningful quotes and life philosophies.


Human beings often ttribute whatever that has happened (that’s beyond our logical thinking) to a coincidence or destiny.

It is like a “butterfly effect” in life. When you make a conscious decision, it will affect how things will eventually fold out. If you chose to do something differently, the end result would have been different as well.

Love comes in all forms and magnitudes. It’s natural that we feel unfair if we love someone more than they love us, because we would end up the ones making more sacrifices in the end. This would lead you into doubting the other party’s love for you.

Such is love. It cannot be seen, can never be balanced at a 50:50 ratio, and may change any time. Too much possessiveness not just brings about destruction to others, but also to you.We need to learn to let go at times, when we feel that we couldn’t take it anymore.

It’s just that we never realised how strong we all are, till being strong is the only way.

To sum it up, if you enjoy some thrills and even chills along the way when chasing a drama, loves to also laugh out loud at rom-coms and have an investigative desire to solve mysteries, this is certainly one drama worth watching.

It still remains exciting till the very end, just that you would have satisfied most, if not all of your curiosity by then.Read More →

大家所熟悉的金曲歌王陈奕迅,在台上是个用歌声征服观众的实力派唱将。只要是不唱歌的时候,他会瞬间变成个”过动儿”,也能用他独特的方式散发 Happy Virus, 来征服你。和Eason接触过的人, 可能会觉得他有点”癫”,但你却无法不爱他。


Eason 是个个性开朗活泼,真性情,超鬼马,搞笑和完全不受控制,不按牌理出牌的阳光派。他很随和,也很随性,时不时会笑到久久不能自己。但他同时也是个很有想法,对音乐热爱的一名歌手和音乐人。与其说这是场粉丝见面会, 倒不如说是场音乐创作分享会。


这场 “E 起 Chan 谈 L.O.V.E”音乐分享会的特别之处, 就是纯粹让 Eason 分享创作理念和概念,让出席者试听新专辑还未曝光的3首歌曲,并没有任何演唱新歌的部分。不过 Eason 的即兴哼唱或演唱几句,都让观众听出耳油。

专辑筹备了6年之久,原本就自嘲可以”Talk forever”的 Eason, 更是滔滔不绝地, 侃侃而谈。那兴奋之情再也按捺不住,就像瀑布般狂涌。

这是个很好的宣传手法。除了有少数 (exclusivity) 的大众可以把未曝光的作品先听为快,让大家更清楚地知道每一首歌曲背后的创作来源,有趣故事,也会引起大家的密切关注。加上 word of mouth + the power of social media, 这比只主打几首歌曲更有效应。

希望众多歌手日后也可以考虑多用这种形式和粉丝/大众们分享创作心得。这样不只可以激起大家会更想购买专辑听每首歌曲的欲望,也会更 Appreciate 这些难能可贵的甘苦谈。

很庆幸这次的主持人是杨君伟。君伟是个资深的主持人,见过各个大大小小的场面,也会事前做足功课。况且这次是遇见自己很欣赏的歌手,更会好好地掌握资讯,跟多些互动。原本这类型的 Auditorium 就只能容纳500人,规模也有点像是 giving a talk 的感觉。若主持人和来宾都很严肃的话,会让观众觉得枯燥乏味。幸好两人之间”抛球和接球” + 搞笑功力,也令人由始至终捧腹大笑,拍案叫绝。

董姿彦曾在后台喊了”Eason老师”。Eason 转过头给她个诚恳的微笑。。这小小的举动对于董姿彦来说,是非常窝心的。因为 Eason 不只没耍大牌,还给她作为一个人的认可。Eason 只耸了耸肩说 “But we are only Human”。可见 Eason从来也没觉得自己是什么巨星,待人处事还是那么真诚, 应该是再也踏实不过的体现。

令人很 impressed 的是,君伟居然还提醒 Eason,其实他和王双骏已认识了20年。他还能哼出王双骏为草蜢写的”好戏在后头”。这也让 Eason 很佩服君伟。两人也在台上拥抱握手了好几次。我想是”遇到真正的知音”和”我没欣赏错歌手”的体现。

精通中,英,和粤语的Eason, 说他的 emotional style language is English, working style (工作时用的语言) 是中文, 但最直接表达的必定是粤语。

从2010年”DUO陈奕迅世界巡回演”会过后,就开始断断续续地从2012年筹备这张以”Love”为概念的专辑。和 Duo Band 团队有很深厚的感情和在演唱会后觉得很失落,于是想和大家一起来记录他们之间的感情,所以才花费很多年来完成这项 Project。大多数的歌曲都是以”Live Recording”的方式,同步录制。主唱,合声,乐器都在不同的房间一并录制。这就等于是像我们平时在演唱会听到的”Live”版本,会和原版有些出入,和更多惊喜。团队也录制了”Documentary”, 希望可以在年底出专辑之前,提前让大众更了解制作背后的趣事。


新专辑之前先曝光的3首歌曲有”与你常在、渐渐 和可一可再”。试听会上的3首歌曲包括Funky 曲风的 “破坏王”,虐心的抒情歌曲 (暂不透露歌名) 和几前年和 Duo Band的队友们所经历疯狂事迹的”疯狂的朋友”。3首都很有自己的特色。而且听 Eason分享背后的故事,都令大家笑到久久无法自拔。

这句由 Chris Paulanco 诠释的”空调,可不可以开一下”, 不只令大家会心一笑,也深深地烙印在我们的脑海里。”疯狂的朋友”应该会成为一首盛行的”友谊之歌”。虽然歌词当中的趣事有掺杂”fiction” & “non-fiction” 的 Inside Jokes,但整体显现出朋友们之间的爱。

Eason 说接下来可以尝试 APAC 类型的歌曲,如印度歌曲,越南语歌曲和泰语歌曲。Eason 说他和草蜢都曾听说新加坡的歌迷都很文静。但草蜢在新加坡开演唱会后发现歌迷们都很疯狂,也很热情。所以 Eason 从来不觉得自己的粉丝很文静,觉得他们是”痴神”的。可能因为自己也是”疯”的,还数度叫大家不要理会他。之后他还补充说,”人来疯 疯癫,神经, insane, crazy, 不都一样?”

分享会其实已经”OT”了好一阵子,而 Eason 也不想让在后头苦等的媒体朋友们等地太久,于是只好结束分享会。但在结束之前,和大家有个大合照。君伟要求大家比个”Love”,但 Eason 觉得用最原始的 Universal Love hand sign, 最为贴切。

原以为分享会就此结束,但突然蹦出个小惊喜。所有到场的观众,都能上台向 Eason 领取一份特别的小礼物。Eason在活动前的晚上帮大家在小卡片上,亲笔签名。幸运的粉丝还会个”Love”型号。卡片上有个特别的小别针,刻着”Eason & the Duo Band” & “L.O.V.E”。

“E神”偶尔也会蹦出一些令人爆笑的举动或话语。不难发现,听 Eason歌曲的群众,来自各个年龄层。可见他的魅力是老少通杀。这暖心的举动+之前的 entertaining + engaging session, 早就让大家把之前排队排了很久的事情,远远的抛在脑后。

我也希望, Eason 继续可以做他热爱的音乐,唱自己引以为傲的作品。

There’s nothing we would like you to change, stay the same!

Stay so ever Crazy, Sincere and Funny!Read More →