


不论是在演唱或交谈方面都比较放得开,表演特别自在,没那么害羞,也会和观众开些冷笑话。他甚至可以那么轻松地用他高亢浑厚的嗓音,飙到19度高音的境界。动静皆宜的他,可以温文尔雅地弹奏钢琴演唱动人的抒情歌曲,也能很卖力地打着他最拿手的爵士鼓,来一段Drums Battle.

他还偶尔”人来疯”把”萧汗淋漓”的湿毛巾,频频丢向观众,或是当个”萧人” (Siao Lang) 满场跑,乐在其中。尽管不久前在金曲奖演出时,左手骨裂,仍忍痛卖力演出。看他那么忘情投入的弹钢琴和打鼓,有点替他捏把冷汗。其敬业态度更令人为之钦佩。











当年的”省话一哥”或许已没那么”省”话。俗话说,”韩国有苏志燮,台湾有萧敬腾”。两人都属文静的类型,面对媒体有时会显得不知所措,但历经多年的磨炼,两人也渐渐活泼起来。他们比较慢热,需要熟络些才会open up.




他的歇斯底里并非卖弄技巧,而是想展现自己最纯粹 (raw) 的一面。瘦小的身躯宛如隐藏着滔天巨浪般的力量,足以淹没你我的心,震破你的耳膜。

He’s a vocal powerhouse.

31岁还算是活力充沛的年纪。他在最后一首歌曲一股脑儿地往Terrace 栏杆跳上去,有些惊险,但掩饰不了内心的亢奋。可见这回新加坡观众的热情有感染到这个闷骚包。不按牌理出牌是不错的。毕竟这是场演唱会,就是要靠当下的感受。











可惜他有多首脍炙人口的歌曲都没唱,幸亏有唱我最喜欢的王子的新衣,疼愛,让我为你唱情歌,阿飞的小蝴蝶 & 王妃!










就在演唱”王妃”之后,发现自己的链断了,边四处在舞台上找”残骸”,边嘀咕”这条链很贵的,我买不起啊”。这很跳 Tone的剖白,把之前的霸气弄得荡然无存。

他说听说新加坡的观众比较冷静,可是他觉得大家好激动啊! 所以谣言不能信!

新加坡的观众比起其他国家来说是比较冷静。不过这次观众抱以热烈的掌声和欢呼声来勉励老萧。观众情绪High, 表演者更加High. 这是很好的互动。


希望有观看演唱会的你,可以重温一些 Moments,也能吸引到没到场的你,下次买票来观赏老萧的演出。



继续用你的生命,热诚和纯粹来演唱这最美丽的旅程!Read More →





所幸他个性爽朗,也超幽默,整场演唱会的气氛拿捏得恰到好处。唱得深情,观众也听得陶醉。Talking 的部分,也总令大家哈哈大笑。 他可以立刻投入角色, 时而搞笑后,可立刻切换成一本正经地唱歌,似乎完全不需酝酿情绪。而且他的歌声真的是很棒!


现代人所追求的究竟是什么? 是世俗眼中的繁华,名利,金钱,地位,还是舒适的环境?






虽然因为时差有点 Jet Lag, 导致刚开场时和演唱有些歌曲时,会显得有点疲惫和气音不足的状态,但大致上都唱得很好。尤其偶尔飙个尾音或拉10几秒的尾音来让你 Impressed 。观众们的反应极为热烈,不管是跟着合唱,或有笑点的时候,配合度都极高。

果然不是浪得虚名,He’s really a Joker! 你很难不被他的 Happy Vibes 感染。他随便来几则真实生活里发生的趣事,都令人喷饭。



从多首”薛氏情歌”里的歌词可以看出薛同学的心思细腻,对世间许多事情的观点亦是所谓的”世间观”,冷暖人间事。He sees the big picture but also the finest details.



他的人生经历充满着崎岖,荆棘,波折与反转。但他拥有众人没有的天赋 – 那就是能把它们一一道出在歌曲里。听说他的人生故事也很精彩,还有花边新闻。这些并不重要。重点是,他的歌曲能够唱进你的心砍里。搞笑能力强也为演唱会加了不少亮点。 所以即便他的歌曲大多是抒情卦,但他就是不拘小结,很坦然搞笑, 更让观众觉得轻松自在。


我是因为”暧昧” 才开始喜欢听他的歌。最爱的还有”你还要我怎样”和 “违背的青春”,尤其是当天的 Rock 版本,是特大爱!

听到”违背的青春”,你会对于逝去的青春,很有感叹。那些年追逐的,放弃的。。都会随即涌入眼帘。感觉像是洗了个冷水澡之后, 再品尝冷饮的感觉。


这些年,你放弃了多少? 你对得起曾经那傲慢不羁的青春岁月吗? 心里的那团火是否早已熄灭?





我们的潜意识里,还是会 have a soft spot for this special someone. 是傻得可以,还是得不到的永远是最美的?

演唱会有着不同的”建筑物”为背景,例如高楼大厦,富丽堂皇的宫殿和阶梯,水晶吊灯, 废弃的空屋和楼梯,荡秋千,夜空的星星和流星,雨点。



那晚大家印象最深刻的就是在演唱”骆驼”第二句时,薛之谦突然对着麦克风打嗝!! 因为是对着麦克风,大家都听得非常清楚,不到几秒,全场就爆笑! 这是前所未有的状况。他可是破了所有歌手在新加坡开唱,第一个打嗝的记录。


他便问道, 是因为他是172公分才放在7点钟开场吗? 但别人的演唱会就不用赶地铁,只有他的需要那么赶吗? 大家听了更是哗然大笑。


虽然演唱会才2个小时,令很多人有点错愣,但这还是一场值得一看的演唱会。这是一场唱功了得 + 搞笑功力 + 娱乐性十足的演唱会! Read More →

观赏了这部剧集, 你会深刻地体会到”平凡既是甘苦,也是甜蜜”。





They are strangers living under one roof, who grow to be like a family. However, there is a point of connection that is unknown to all till the ending – the accident on that fateful day.

Woo Jin 和 Seo Ri 两人在剧中起了微妙的互补作用。


Seo Ri 虽因昏迷了13年,有点难适应一下子就是30岁的心态,但她却关关难关,关关过。

Shin Hye Sun 把这个角色掌握得非常优异。在苏醒后惊觉她的世界都变了,还在努力复健,寻回亲人和朋友之时,也显露了和这个时代格格不入的尴尬。她的表情动作也许会令人爆笑,但如果我们也一下子到了13年后的未来,也会显得那么突兀。

去应征侍应生被嫌太老, 去当小提琴助教又被嫌没正式文凭。虽尝尽了世间冷暖,但她仍然不放弃。即便没有文凭,她也没有气馁,想靠自己的双手养活自己。因手指头僵硬的关系,她需要克服许多障碍才能练回小提琴,只是无法回到之前的水准。她常告诉自己,那是她人生的”中场休息”。

Woo Jin 一直是 Seo Ri 的支柱,努力隐藏自己心里的恐慌和不安,也导致他也一直活在”17岁”的阴影里, 裹足不前。



虽然他把自己伪装的非常冷漠,事不关己的模样,但一旦 Seo Ri 遇到苦难或遭人欺负,他都会挺身而出。过了些许时间,大家都看得到他的转变。笑容变多了,做事也很积极,渐渐地释放封锁已久的真实个性。

他成了 Seo Ri 的朋友,知己和家人。

虽然 Seo Ri 成长的比较快,但要看 Woo Jin 因为”毁了” Seo Ri 的人生而深深自责的痛处,还真令人心疼。



Yoo Chan 是个非常乐于助人的阳光少年。除了偶尔流露出来17岁少年的懵懂模样,因为还在摸索着成长的过程,但他其实心智上比许多同龄人还要来得成熟。

他是第一个对 Seo Ri 敞开心扉,接纳她的朋友,让她在这即陌生又熟悉的家里,感到无比的温暖。

他和舅舅 Woo Jin 感情堪好, 但最担心是舅舅一遇到难题,就会”离家出走”,流浪个几年。

Jennifer 是大家最坚实的后盾,为他们打点日常的种种,也在他们遇到困难时及于安慰和开导,加上行动上的支持。感觉比较像”妈妈”,而不是帮佣的角色。但没人知道她的”木纳”是为了惩罚自己,因为不想让自己过得快乐或过于悲伤,而是要在中间取得平衡点

我喜欢 Woo Jin 和 Jennifer 在家后院的互动。他们其实都很关心彼此,也把他们各自所经历的种种都看在眼里。 平时不大会讨论,都会用”金玉良言”来开导或鼓励对方。

这是她对 Woo Jin 的忠告: “伤心和痛苦的事情,都会随着时间的流逝而慢慢被冲淡。但是如果选择逃避,只会往往让人错过那些正在发生的好的事情。到时候后悔的话,也改变不了任何事情,因为已是于事无补。”

其实她的这番话很有道理。我们往往都会在发生许多事情后, 认为不去触碰它, 事情就会慢慢淡化。但其实,有些事情乘早摊开来说,会比较有帮助。
Jennifer’s quote for Woo-jin: “The only cure for sadness is to do something, by J.H. Lewis.”
On Jennifer’s last day, Woo Jin said to her: “”I hope you smile when you’re happy and cry when you’re sad from now on. I hope you don’t live with your eyes closed anymore.””

大家都希望 Jennifer 能真正的快乐,也不希望她一只因为过去而惩罚自己。

As we age, we learn that dreams may get further from reality. Just like Seo Ri’s case, she didn’t get to be a violinist but she could still play violin for those who appreciate and need music therapy.

Similarly, Yoo Chan could have joined an adult coach team but he chose to remain with his school team.

It is not always about going for the best opportunities that would make you successful, but going for what suits you best.

Kim Tae Rin is a manifestation of our most inert insecurities.

她虽然已是世界顶级的小提琴家,但内心一直处在不安之中。从小就把 Seo Ri 当成是威胁,拉小提琴对她来说只是个责任,而非出于真正的喜欢和享受。

戏里最”凄惨”的是 Hyung Tae 吧? 从17岁就喜欢 Seo Ri, 就算在她昏迷的这13年都细心照料她, 可惜最后换来的并未如他所愿。


There are not so many “What Ifs” in life. IF he was the one she saw the moment she woke, how different it might have been?

“Don’t think, Feel!”


有一幕是 Seo Ri 对 Hee Soo 说她其实很羡慕她,因为她就是 Seo Ri 心里想象30 岁该有的模样。而 Hee Soo 的解答是”其实很多人的心智和念书时是一样的,只是按照世上想要的30岁,活成”30岁”该有的模样。”


“人生的 intermission 就是等着精彩的下一次演出,暂时停止的时间。 不是结束,而是暂时休息。”


很多时候,我们往往都过于死心眼,所以才会一直沉浸在过去种种的不幸, 而没发现其实有很多扇门正为我们打开着。

该看这部剧,因为它会让你在短短的16小时里,获益良多。Read More →

This drama is pretty well paced, exhilarating, shows many futuristic elements, coupled with some surprising twists and turns. There are sweet and endearing moments but also heartbreaking instances and cold hard truths that we have to experience as part of life’s journey. It gives us many life lessons about handling interpersonal relationships, holding close what’s dear to us, how destructive human greed can be and how we have always neglected people around us.

This drama’s theme is very much about love & acceptance. We always talk about loving and accepting people for who they really are, even when they are so diversely different. Would it have been any different to show our love and acceptance towards Artificial Intelligent (A.I) Robots?

While many may be driven by greed and ambition, which leads them to a destructive mode or even irredeemable state, some are driven by love and acceptance to be who they really are and to do good.

The drama started off with a pace quick enough to keep you entertained while anticipating subsequent episodes. You wonder how Namshin could avoid being tracked down, how could the Robot Namshin III act like the real McCoy without having his cover blown & all the conspiracies that were brewing within.

We love the “interpersonal” relationships that Namshin III has forged or helped Namshin to do “damage repair”, and how the 2 Namshins had to go through much ordeal when one wants to co-exist but the other wants to be the 1 and only Namshin.

Why do we FEEL so much for Namshin III?

He was created as a “replacement” for Laura Oh’s human son, Namshin. 他只是为了精神寄托,而制造和设定出来的。It feels sad whenever he has this yearning look when his mum shows favouritism, especially when he asked his mum if he is not her son anymore, just because he doesn’t behave like the real Namshin?

He would never say no to his mum, even if he knew that he would be abandoned someday. He just wanted to be “useful” and “helpful”; otherwise it defeats the purpose of his existence.

He’s more thoughtful than Namshin, since he’s observant and would buy medication for his mum when she has a migraine. He could even tell she was lying without his lie detector on anymore. That’s how he evolves by studying and observing the environment and people around him, he could tell from their minor expressions and body language.

Over time, he would only listen to So Bong as she is the only one who accepts him for who he really is and sees him as an unique individual. He often said that he may understand what people say, but he would not be able to experience those feelings himself. The saddest was when, he wanted to cry like a human being, but he just couldn’t.

H e shouldn’t feel any emotions and he supposedly couldn’t but many a times, he proved that he has his own persona. He’s able to DIFFERENTIATE on his own, what the things he should or should not do are and IF he wanted to do it. There came this powerful force called “Love” that overwrites his programming. It is similar to how human beings learn about their feelings too.

He is self-aware and seeks affirmation that he’s being liked and needed. You can also sense his compassion, love, jealousy and sadness many a times too.
That’s already being human.

I like the intricate details that Seo Kang Joon puts in to distinguish the 2 Namshins. How effortless it seems for him to do the switch instantaneously. It’s not an easy job to act with “less expressions” since he is a robot, yet his actions need to prove that he genuinely cared.

He not just has to act as a robot and a human, but also a robot who’s acting like the human Namshin. That’s something on a deeper level. How the look in his eyes went a little blurry, 善良, innocent or what we call the “puppy eyes”, would show that he is Namshin III and how when he has this sharp glare or anguish look in his eyes, with that smirk on his face or snarky look, would mean that he is human Namshin.

Namshin is full of himself, has a terrible attitude, filled with hatred and so lack of love. However, there are times you could see beyond his pain & anger. You can rationalise his “irrational” and “bratty” behaviours.

Namshin has the absolute right to be angry. It is understandable that he may go through extreme measures to “secure” his position.

It is an act of self doubt, self-defence and lack of confidence.

If only he did not continue to wallow in self-pity, things might have changed for the better.

We can feel the pain in both Namshins. They are just little boys who yearn for their mum’s love.

It felt like a relief when Namshin III could announce to the world that he is a robot and what impressive things and good deeds he has done. He wants to co-exist with human beings, doesn’t have to fear that people will discover his identity anymore. We always wanted to just be who we really are and hope that others can accept us for being ourselves too.

A robot-human romance is TOTALLY viable in this drama.

Obviously So Bong would be confused after being with him 24/7, even Young Hoon, who’s closest to Namshin also waivered. Namshin III also treated Namshin’s little cousin Hee Dong with much care and affection that the little kid could TELL he is not his real cousin.

He’s like your Superhero boyfriend – Iron Man to be exact.

He could stop traffic light, piggyback you without ever feeling tired, stop cars with his bare hands, save you from a burning building, manipulate anything that’s to do with technology & protect you from harm. The way he looks at So Bong affectionately, fusses over her, rushes to her rescue and gets jealous, is just so “human”. It also evokes laughter when he kept having “imaginary hallucinations” when he misses So Bong.

He could be dense, but he learns how to make his loved ones happy.

The ever so kind and pure Namshin III went “bersek” and stared inflicting harm on people who love him, including So Bong and CEO Nam, when he was controlled via manual mode by Namshin. He was so afraid that he would harm human beings that he told So Bong to stay far away.
Namshin III would rather destroy himself than to harm others.

The times when So Bong told Namshin III that she hoped he is human and when Namshin III asked if things would be better if he were a real human, were heartbreaking.

She became the one who he opened his “heart” to. They remained steadfast to each other. They were protective, would comfort and go the extra mile to ensure each other is okay. She could almost always tell both Namshins apart, except when Namshin “pranked” her by acting like Namshin III.

The rude shock she had when she went into the auditorium to tell Namshin III that she likes him (not realising he is Namshin) and wanted to take him away from all humans trying to harm him, was impactful.

2 persons may look alike, but it is how they are at heart, that sets them apart.

It’s like a prelude that Laura would be torn between her 2 sons ultimately. We know that Namshin is a very rebellious and spoil brat. He would not be forgiving towards a mum who has abandoned him for 20 years.

While she may have thought that she didn’t feel for Namshin III, which mother could ever sacrifice her children, be it by birth or by creation?

While I understand where Young Joon is coming from by embracing ALL bad things that Namshin has done, it seems incredible as to how he can have such high tolerance level and is oblivious to all temptations. What we do know is, he truly cares for Namshin like a little brother.

I pity Ye Na, despite the wilful & awful things she did to Namshin III & So Bong. Being possessive and trying all ways and means to win the heart of Namshin for 20 years but failed to do so, would not do her any good.

She was being delusional, but she has always been on Namshin’s side and this over-indulgence made things worse. It’s only towards the end when she felt that she needed to do what’s right so that she could save Namshin.

CEO Nam & Seo Yong Gil are the biggest villains. Both are driven by immense greed and ambitions, trying to outdo each other, in a world where victory belongs to “survival of the fittest”.

It may be karma that CEO Nam eventually got played by his own prank that he really had dementia, but I wasn’t going to empathise how he could do such things to his son & grandson.

As for Yong Gil, his quest to protect his position and to wanting something more, which means owning the entire PK Group, eventually leads to a road of no return.

There was this scene when So Bong’s dad disagreed when Namshin III said that he would never have a change of heart. Since he is learning to become human, he may also have a change of heart some day.

Namshin III is constantly evolving and we have no idea if So Bong would be tired of him some day too. It’s common to have breakups if it doesn’t ultimately work towards marriage, which is definitely not so viable for them.

It is probably towards the end that we realise So Bong’s love for him would not likely change, that have us feeling more relieved.

Why think so deep into the future when we should live in the moment?

It’s just like what So Bong’s dad said, “Love and hate to your heart’s content, so that you won’t regret later”.

Come what may, I’m sure that’s what our lead couple would say.

We should just cherish the present.Read More →

Riding on the waves of zombie apocalypse movies, “Rampant” attempts to set itself apart by zooming into an era way before our time, set in the Joseon Dynasty 500 to 600 years ago.

Apart from the massive scale of zombies running rampage in colourful Joseon costumes across palaces, the majestic action scenes and swords play, a major draw to watch “Rampant” is definitely to see how this “fatally charismatic” duo, Jang Dong Gun & Hyun Bin, who are best friends in real life, take on confrontational roles in the movie. Their chemistry is impeccable.

Like many audiences, I have mixed reviews of this movie. If you have been a fan of zombie flicks, it would satisfy you to a certain extent with some of the most thrilling and exciting action scenes. However, if you are looking for character development and emotional engagement like “Train in Busan”, it may leave you dismayed.

If all else fails, we can always count upon JDG & Hyun Bin to save the day.

The brilliant cinematography and choreography of the action scenes, CGI effects topped with brilliant music pieces by the London Music Symphony, is what we call a “Sensory Feast”. It’s a refreshing fusion when you see western zombies mixed with Korean zombies set in the Joseon era.

From the landscape view of thousands of zombies aka “night demons” attacking their victims in the palace to the close ups was a sight to behold. We could see close ups of how the victims turned into zombies, with veins forming on their faces and limbs with white, gluey eyes as they began twisting and warping during the transformation.

The tracks by London Music Symphony are so 浩瀚澎湃 that it elevated the “Sensory gratification” it was supposed to deliver on a colossal scale at the gorgeously built Joseon sets.

Excitement kicked in full force towards the later part of the movie. Audiences can expect to be glued to their seats while hoping the leads could make it safely out of danger.

My most favourite scene was during the hoards of zombies breaking into the dungeons trying to have a bite on the “only humans” left. It was such a 惊险 and thrilling scene that it would have your hearts thumping at your throats. You would also enjoy the scenes when Lee Chung fought the so many zombies single-handed in the main hall and the swordplay sparring between the 2 opposing leads. You’d be pleased with how both actors weird their swords like a pro.

What we were curious to find out was really to see how well the chemistry between the 2 real life best friends would turn out. Both shone in their respective ways, yet not stealing the limelight from each other since they complement well with each other and all other cast members.

This movie is about duty and responsibilities, political tensions, human greed and ambitions which would lead to an impending downfall.

It is the King who serves the people, not the King who owns the empire. Without the citizens, there will not be a king.

究竟是效忠还是愚忠? 我觉得张东健在戏里无非也提出了值得思考的一点。

想要做统领并非易事。On top of being a good leader, you need someone who has the abilities and willingness to assume these heavy responsibilities.

Whether you choose to be “good” or “bad”, it all boils down to options and choices in life. There’s always a consequence and price that we have to pay for making such choices.

Minister Kim’s下场 is a good portrayal of how when you have too great ambitions, it turns into personal greed, which will eventually lead to your downfall, or ultimately self-destruction.

The 1st hour was dreadfully slow and there wasn’t much character development or emotional engagement. Most characters are pretty one-dimensional and the plot is pretty predictable.

The reason why “Train to Busan” was a huge success was because it was in a league of its own, paying much details and attention to their character and emotional development that most zombie flicks lack.

There was more screen time for Hyun Bin to have gradual character development as the story progressed, from a 吊儿郎当 Joseon prince who had no interest to ascend the throne, to the hero who saved the day. In a way, you can feel how 迫切 Minister Kim yearns to rule the empire no matter what it takes, including self-sacrifice, but you can’t feel that willingness of Prince Lee Chung to even want to fight the zombies, not to mention protecting his people.

It was a little abrupt, for the switch towards the final showdowns.

Hyun Bin could do better, but with a script that weak on character development, that’s likely the best that he could make of.

He fared well in the intricate moments during emotional scenes whereby you could feel the pain and angst Lee Chung experienced when he lost his loved ones

Hyun Bin had more notable action scenes fighting against zombies, showcasing amazing swordplay skills. It must been very strenuous and physically exhausting for him under harsh weather conditions during winter.

Jang Dong Gun is the scene stealer. Minister Kim’s vast ambition & greed was portrayed subtly initially but it intensified when JDG unleashed his power towards the ending scenes.

He brings playing a villain to another level. It isn’t just a flat one-dimensional character. He stayed true to his words about putting efforts into adding depth and layers to his villain role. He was able to showcase not just his scheming antics, immense ambitions to rule the Joseon Empire, but also the devastation when it came to his downfall. Be it playing the good or bad guy, he’s always ready to assimilate the role and we can say his acting is of “Master” level in “Rampant”.


演奸角的厉害之处,不是单方面地让观众对你咬牙切齿,恨之入骨,而是能让观众也感受到你内心深处的出发点。他的歇斯底里,已传达到观众的心里。那已经绝望到底,也要捍战到底的毅力,的确会让你为他感到稍微的心疼。这就是我们所谓的 “内心戏”。

The only thing he could have done better was the reciting of the Chinese poem. Some lines were pronounced very accurately and beautifully recited though.

Some of the notable supporting roles were Jeong Man Sik’s portrayal of Hak Soo, Lee Chung’s servant, who added much humour to the horror genre movie. Kim Eui Sung who acted in “Train to Busan” acts as King Lee Jon in “Rampant”. There was also Seo Ji Hye’s cameo as Concubine Jo whose transformation was an excruciatingly painful but impactful one. It was key to the development of the story line. Jo Woo Jin’s role as the head of rebel, Park Eul Ryoung, was one that may evoke a little of your emotions towards the ending.

It’s a pity that Lee Sun Bin’s role as Deok Hee, was nothing more than a potential love interest for Prince Lee Chung and a skilled archer, but failed to create much impact as a heroine in this male-dominated movie.

The above reasons would give you good enough gauge as to whether you would want to watch this movie at the cinema.

If you want to watch a zombie flick with a refreshing time setting back in the Joseon Dynasty, or have been either a JDG or Hyun Bin fan, or fan of both, it is definitely one blockbuster not to be missed.Read More →