It’s Britney, Bi*ch!
Watch Britney Spears heat up the night with her sizzling hot dance moves and sexy outfits. An aesthetic extravaganza no less lavish than her Las Vegas stages.
Get ready for some breath-taking and jaw dropping performance!
Seriously, is this some Supermodel fashion walk way?
It’s seldom I get a chance to watch western concerts and it definitely was a 1st for me to watch the Princess of Pop, Britney Spears’ concert in Singapore!
The oh-so-familiar songs that I remember of Britney Spears were from her 1st and 2nd albums “Baby, One more Time” & “Oops, I did it Again”. Thereafter, I haven’t been following her albums closely but still like some songs such as “Womanizer”, “Do something” and “My Prerogative”.
One could look forward to high quality visual graphics effects and stage settings (that of a standard for the Music Awards or her Las Vegas stage) for the Princess of Pop. She had a band and about 11 dancers on stage for the opening act “Work Bitch”.
“Work Bitch”, “Womanizer”
Britney’s iconic sexy stage costumes inclusive of her bling bling leotards, bodysuits, 2-piece lingerie, accompanied with her sleek, sexy and bold dance moves, would absolutely wow you. It might have probably left you staring in awe with your jaws dropping. If you might even wish to reminisce a tinge of her “Baby One More Time” high school outfits, don’t even think.
The theme for her outfits would be “when less is more”. Her outfits were outrageously sexy.
It got the crowd roaring when she belted out her All-Time favourites, “Baby One More Time”, “Oops, I did it Again”.
Well, we still loved the good ol’ Britney back then.
The dance was so artistically sensual:

Doesn’t it look like some “Miss America” contestant kinda pose?
The entire show was very bold and sensual, some may even call it raunchy, but it was more like a supermodel fashion show than a concert.
It was more suitable for mature audience of 18 years and above, with her provocative & daring dances and suggestive lyrics. Some songs and dances were skewed towards SM Theme, definitely not one for the faint-hearted or overly conservative bunch.
A Singaporean fan was strapped on harnesses during “Freakshow” and was made to crawl on all fours, while Britney lashed that whip.
The very SM Theme “Freakshow”:
Some of her fans took the time and effort to doll themselves up to replicate her previous albums’ images, like “Baby One More Time”. Most fans were already screaming, cheering, standing, grooving, dancing from the start of the concert. It was like a clubhouse on its own.
Her fans have waited 19 long years for her to stage her first full-length concert in Singapore. It didn’t matter that she almost lip synced throughout or her tickets were at rocket-high prices. If there was any trace of voiceover, it wasn’t that apparent to the audience.
Nonetheless, all it mattered to the Britney Army was to watch her sing and dance, at least once in their lifetime. Who cares about haters?
“Hail the Princess!” was their motto for the night.
Her dance moves certainly did not disappoint. She’s a great dancer, in my opinion. It’s quite an amazing feat how anyone in her mid-thirties could dance non-stop for 1.5 hours and still have leaps of energy.
While it was nice to watch an awesome performance, it probably would be better if there was more interaction with the fans. It would help to engage the fans if she had spoken a little more and also sung some sentimental songs, so everyone could join in together.
It was like a massive dance house, but the engagement was not totally there. At least for me, I prefer more interaction between the singer and the audience. That’s what makes concerts special.
Some of the songs in the set list include Work Bitch, Womanizer, Break the Ice, Piece of Me, Me against the Music, Make Me, Baby One more Time, Oops! I did it again, If you Seek Amy, I’m a slave for you, Touch of My Hand, Do Something, Circus, Toxic, Stronger, (You Drive Me) Crazy, Till the World Ends.
There were also some crowd favourites such as her collaborations “Make Me”, “Slumber Party”, “Scream and Shout”.
It was just ridiculously amazing how her long blonde locks could just fall into place so ever nicely, no matter how hard she flipped her hair.
Someone cast her in a shampoo ad please.
Me Against the Music:
Pole dancing during “I’m a Slave for you”, “Make Me”…
“Do Something” was just too beautifully choreographed. They danced around and on the moving chair formations:
“Touch My Hand”:
Reminds you of some scenes in Moulin Rouge, yeah?
There are several myths that we have heard about Britney Spears.
I hoped to discover for myself at this concert if there’s any element of truth, or if they were just groundless allegations.
Myth No. 1 – Britney is fat
Excuse me, why would anyone even say that? While it’s true that most people would look at least 20% – 30% bigger size on TV or don’t look so flattering in photographs, this does not apply to Britney Spears, at least not the Britney that we saw at the concert.
She is FIT, has such a good & toned figure. Look at the curvatures of her muscular arms, flat stomach and toned legs. It’s a body that women would love to have and men would drool at.
No matter which part of the indoor stadium you were standing/sitting at, you would agree that she is anything (of the above), but fat.
There’s really not much that she could hide with her very revealing outfits.
Myth No. 2 – Her live singing is horrible.
There’s no doubt that someone who had joined The Mickey Mouse Club can definitely sing (eg. Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake), but as to whether she could sing and dance well at the same time, may require some affirmation.
We are not expecting Britney to be a Powerhouse like Celine Dion definitely, but also not expecting her to sound like anything near horrible.
Sad to say, the only time that we heard her sing 100% LIVE was a birthday song to one of her crew members in R&B Style. While she was slightly panting from dancing to a few fast tracks previously, she didn’t sound horrible at all. It was not bad actually.
The concert was almost entirely filled with upbeat hits. It seemed that she was lip syncing throughout these songs. If there was any voiceover, it wasn’t very distinguishable. Her fans didn’t mind at all and still gave her their utmost support by partying with her.
With that, we were unable to attest to whether she could sing live well. But I definitely believe, if there was a segment for some sentimental songs or love ballads, it would give her a chance to showcase her singing ability.
This was also something that I had hoped for but feeling puzzled at the same time that, there was no segment for love ballads.
While it is understandable why artistes may need to lip sync during the music award shows, the audience, fans especially, would appreciate it much more if their favourite artistes would sing live at their concerts.
It is perfectly okay not to be pitch perfect.
I was very much wishing for Britney to sing a few slow ballads like “From the bottom of my broken heart”, “Email My heart”, etc. To much dismay, it didn’t materialise.
“Boys”, “Do you wanna come over?
“Toxic”, “Stronger”,”(You Drive Me) Crazy”
The intense dance choreography was already very taxing for her physically and that was probably why the concert was only 1.5 hours. We were hoping it would stretch till 2 hours with the Encore, but to no avail.
However, the energy that she punched in that night was so high that, you would forget for a moment that she’s already 35 years old.
It’s been a hot, sizzling night with a visual feast (of lightings, sensual dance moves, sexy hot bods) but audio wise, we would look forward to hear Britney belt a few sentimental songs in her next tour.
Slam those haters.
But then again, she may not even give a d*mn, for she’s Britney Spears.
Till this day, the Princess still slays.