
就在刚过去的周末,五月天带了他们的第10代巡回演唱会”人生无限公司”到新加坡,连High了3个晚上,为这年末开个最精彩盛大的 Party.


每位”人生无限公司”的”员工”都带着各自不同的故事和心情在那3个夜晚”上班打卡”,甚至疯狂, 不要命的”加班”。全世界上也只有这间公司的”神经病”们才会那么乐意加班。

许多人是为了演唱会的好口碑慕名而来,但对于那些上了”年纪”的来说, 这是和五月天”老友鬼鬼”的聚会。




观众的反应,”大叔”们的即兴脱轨,颜色笑话层出不穷,每日歌单至少会换个4-5首歌曲。每次巡演的同时,你也不仅会发现他们的用心。许多歌都会重新编曲,让人有比较 refreshing 的感觉。

他们在舞台上的卖力,台下观众热情的回应和相呼应,是最直接,最买单的表现。那台上台下的互相调侃,肆无忌惮的颜色笑话,一天比一天升级化。台下的观众时而大声合唱, 连接力唱也胜任的措措有余,时而呐喊”Hey Hey Hey Hey, 啦啦啦”, 都无需任何彩排。这就是五月天和五迷们之间的默契。


看五月天的演唱会最重要的就是气氛,和那些能够打动你, 感动你, 让你有所共鸣的歌曲。可以一起笑, 一起哭, 在那之后吸取满满的正能量,继续打拼。


“你怎么做,你怎么活, 就决定了你的自传怎么写”。。。


“天人生无限公司”, is really a company no one minds working for.



下一次,你又会带着什么样的故事来听五月天的演唱会呢?Read More →

Rejoice, Backstreet Boys fans! Nick Cater just announced that they are working on their new album & will be taking on a new World Tour soon!

“I don’t care, who you are, where you’re from, what you did, as long as you love me”…

If you find yourself singing along to these lyrics instantaneously, there’s no denying we are from the same era. We are fortunate to grow up with some of the finest Boybands’ songs.

The “Golden Era of Boybands” that belonged to Take That, Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, Westlife and so many more…

24 years it’s been and they definitely have got it goin’ on.

20,000 tickets were snapped up in a flash for more than a good reason.

Walking down memory lane to reminisce “Yesteryears once more” has never been more fun & enjoyable. It’s like a high school reunion party. You knew exactly when to join in for the lyrics when they threw the mic out at you.

Growing up and aging is an inevitable process, but what better way to celebrate this graceful journey together with these 5 men & their adoring fans?

You had “permission” to just go wild, shriek to your lungs’ contentment, singing, grooving & dancing along to the most popular boyband of all time.

Nostalgia at its very best.

AJ Mclean, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson & Nick Carter may have dad bods now, but that did not take away their glamour on stage.

Don’t all 90s boybands have synchronised dance moves?

They were either decked in leather or diamante jackets, doing their famous synchronised old-school dance moves such as the “Zombie Dance” during “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, reviving the Folding Chair Dance during “As Long As You Love Me”, lifting their index finger when they sang this line “You are my fire, the ONE desire” during “I Want it That Way”. Swaying their mic stands during ballads such as “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, was also an iconic 90s boyband stance.

We don’t mind a layer of “cheese” added to their dance moves.

Good ol’ cheese tastes oh so good.

You’d been blown away by their LIVE singing, despite Brian’s medical condition with his vocal cord. They could harmonise so well, sapping all the fans’ energy, attention and affection in an instant.

The guys weaved their ways into fans’ hearts effortlessly with all the sweet nothings, such as Nick’s “We love each and every one of you”, “We Love you so much, Thanks for being the best fans in the entire world!”, & Howie’s “Thank You for keeping the Backstreet pride alive!”

The concert set list was a replica of their Las Vegas Tour, with 20 classics such as “Larger than Life”, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, “We’ve Got It Going On”, “Drowning”, “Incomplete”, “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely”, “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, “Quit Playing Games with My Heart”, “As Long As You Love Me”, “I Want It That Way” & “More Than That”.

As they belted out their classic hits & award charting ballads, memories flooded your mind and it just tugged at your heartstrings.

It’s easy to resonate with at least one BSB song since your adolescent years. Lyrics would just come out of your mouth automatically, as if they were ingrained in your hearts.

They have moved along with the times pretty well and will continue to do so as a mainstream boy/men band.

With the legions of loyal fans around the globe, it’s almost a guarantee that their next album and concert tour will sell like hotcakes.

BSB fans are not ready to let them go, as yet.

Growing old is sweeter with them around.

Backstreet’s Back, Alright!

Keep rocking, Guys!

We want it that way!
Read More →

It’s a well-thought out, simple but impactful gig, for Derrick Hoh to bid farewell to the current phase of his music career, before he embarks on the next phase to embrace new challenges. It was a cosy but intimate, heartfelt sharing session, which connected the home-grown singer with his fans.

The concept of this mini concert should be “Back to Basics, Simplicity at its Best”, with no frills no thrills but 满满的诚意和感谢。


There were about 17 or more songs in the set list which include 为梦想闪耀,晴天, 柠檬甜甜的, 换我爱你, 做你的他, 当我知道你们相爱,每时每刻,变化,假装不了,All I want, 我恨我爱你, Love Song, 原谅我, 我不會唱歌, 克罗地亚的天空, 你走天桥,我走地下道…

还记得12年前的自己是什么模样吗? 当时的自己怀抱着什么梦想和理想?

现在的你, 已实现了你的梦想, 依然追寻着, 还是已经放弃了呢?

It hasn’t been 一眨眼 for Derrick Hoh but the little chipmunk from“Project Superstar” has grown and matured over the years, yet still keeping his 初衷.

还记得”绝对 Superstar”时, 许多评判都说他唱歌像是嘴里含着糖一样。


听他唱着这些歌, 脑海里会有许多回忆浮现。 His voice is still as soothing and gentle to the ears.

Sincerity definitely can be felt.

There was also an additional autograph and photo taking session whereby Derrick could express his thanks to his fans and also for the fans to be able to give him some encouragement and support while bringing back some fond memories.

Thanks for the heartfelt performance.

Jiayou, my favourite little chipmunk from Project Superstar~

We’ll see you around and looking forward to more works from you!Read More →

每当你听到音乐过门和这句歌词 “她总是只留下电话号码,总不肯让我送她回家”, 你就会不经意得跟着哼唱和舞动摇摆。我们的童年和成长岁月里都会有至少一首草蜢的经典歌曲。

草蜢不愧是香港乐坛的”不老传说”,更是一支能32年屹立不倒的团体的榜样。到了50岁都还能面不改色地在台上蹦蹦跳跳, 载歌载舞,谈笑风声, 也很懂得逗乐台下的歌迷。 他们可谓是风彩依旧,活力四射,魅力不减当年。

他们在心态和体格上都保持得很 Fit,他们也在每场演唱会上不断的创新。 这其敬业的态度也很值得我们敬佩和赞赏。

百变的造型,新歌旧歌大放送, 经典舞曲重现,都让歌迷 High 翻天。观众给足面子, 3子也心情大好。这一来一往的互动就让整场演出的热力十足。

演唱会过后,歌迷不愿散场,还额外增加一首”永远爱着你”作为 Bonus。。。

草蜢,不只是乐坛的传说,更是深入民心的一股活力。Read More →

CNBLUE said it was “Shiok” to be back in Singapore. We say, it was “Jinjia Shiok” to watch their gig!

The all so-familiar “Everybody, CRAB CRAB CRAB” playful boys were back in town, to give Singapore audience yet another memorable & electrifying night.

It was dazzling not because of the stage lighting or the confetti, but these down to earth guys’ focus on the fundamentals & returning to basics.

They won and warmed hearts with their sincerity, just purely them, their instruments and their music.

Sometimes, Simplicity is more.

What more could we ask for when they tried to act aegyo, speak Singlish and made everyone laugh so hard?

Oh yes definitely, COME BACK SOON!Read More →