Buey Tahan Sia~~~ (CNBLUE’s annotation that goes up 3 notches)
Just like Sunny Island’s weather, it was burning hot inside Singapore Indoor Stadium with CNBLUE’s super lit and explosive performance on 27 April 2024.
“Electrifying” has somewhat become an understatement.
The trio ignited the stage like dynamites that went “kaboom”, with jaw-dropping solid vocals and remarkable instruments playing skills.
Best served hot and raw, it was a mega audio and visual feast.
“CNBLUEntity” is an embodiment of what Rock and Roll comprises of : feeling young, wild and free-spirited.
Demonstrating how to live in the moment, CNBLUE’s captivating stage presence not only cemented their irreplaceable positions in longtime BOICEs’ hearts, but also amassed new fans.
“We have debuted for 15 years. And we will show you why we can play in Singapore after 15 years.” – Yonghwa
’nuff said.
That burning confidence & knowing, came with years of experience & going through upheavals in their music career.
How many would still remain so passionate about their dreams and career after 15 years?
These guys know exactly what they want, and what they can deliver.
The heartfelt connection with their fans is still there.
Served with upbeat head banging tracks, perfect falsettos, strobe party lighting, alluring triceps, biceps, trapezius, that ooze manliness, ab teasers, Singlish phrases, aegyos, sexiness, cheekiness all in one, CNBLUE delivered top notch fan service.
Icing on the cake included a rainbow sea during “Love Light”, 3 rounds of Human Ocean Wave, and a super sporting interpreter who gamely rapped along with the guys.
Be it flipping that iconic electric blue studded mic, show-stopping high notes and falsettos that sent heart fluttering and adrenaline rushing at an all-time high, the band’s frontman had our eyes all glued to the stage.
These guys proved that they are indeed in their prime in their 30s, unleashing their prowess with much more ease, confidence and appeal, than ever before.
That vibrant energy for 3.5 hour was unparalleled, whereby they took the stage like their playground.
Singapore was initially slated as the final stop for this Tour (Jakarta was added on 2 weeks before SG’s show). It indeed felt like they were performing as if there were no tomorrow.
There was no hesitation in expressing fervor for their music and being genuine in giving their all to the audience.
That fervor for their music didn’t falter after 15 years. As a matter of fact, It was brewing stronger.
As these guys kicked start their opening set with “I’m a Loner” (Bluetory) and “Love” (Blue Love), from their most renowned albums, super enthusiastic screams from the crowd testified that they started out right.
Rather than saying “Old is Gold“, it is more of “回到最初,莫忘初衷“。
They did not forget their ROOTS in music, WHY and HOW they embarked on this journey.
A fabulous mix of classics with new tracks, giving you a renewed sense of familiarity, nostalgia and something fresh.
The familiarity gushed back through your dormant muscle memories in an instant.
Before you realised, you were already bobbing your heads and pounding your hands in the air, grooving along to their infectious energy, singing out loud together.
The guys have all beefed up quite a bit. We saw what they did there and understood why Yonghwa loves flexing his arms lately.
Yonghwa is an epitome of what a rocker powerhouse is at his prime age, being sultry, sexy, manly, cute, all in one.
The ear feast with show-stopping high notes, effortless falsettos, shrieking at dolphin octave whistle singing, were topped with a visual feast of toned triceps, biceps, deltoids, chiseled jawline and cheeky, flirty winks.
It was an action-packed deal, with a lot of darting around the stages, dancing, jumping, spinning in circles, just like one would think of Roadrunner and Bugs Bunny.
The melodic flexibility in CNBLUE’s frontman has made them one of the most well-rounded musicians in KPOP industry.
From rock, ballads, funk, pop, jazz, to impromptu ad-libs, their gig wasn’t just nothing short of spectacular, but also nothing short of surprises.
From bashful young lads, they morphed into confident and seasoned veterans who could twirl their fans around their fingers now.
Unleashing all that penned up power and prowess they didn’t get a chance to in Singapore for 7 years.
Much has happened, from them taking turns to fulfill military service, worldwide pandemic, Jonghyun’s departure putting the trio in a stupor, contemplating how they should move on.
7 years wait, could either make or break it.
Fortunately, the Goddess of Luck was on CNBLUE’s side.
They made it back better, stronger and more impressive.
It must have been a heartening and touching moment for them to see how SG BOICEs filled up the stadium and prepared fan projects for them.
A surge of solace and relief allowed them to let loose for the night.
CNBLUEntity SG Setlist – 27 Apr 2024
1) I’m a Loner
2) Love
3) Intuition
4) Hey You
Ment 1
5) Imagine
6) Love Light (fan project)
7) You’re so FIne
Ment 2
8) Love Cut
9) 99%
10) Lady
11) Coffee Shop
Ment 3
12) Time Capsule
13) Winter Again
14) Till Then
15) Hide and Seek
16) Cinderella
Ment 4
17) In My Head
18) I’m Sorry
19) Radio
20) Between Us
Encore 1
21) Young Forever
Encore Ment 1
22) Can’t Stop
Encore Ment 2 + Photo Taking + Rainbow Ocean Wave
23) Then, Now & Forever
Encore 2
24) Love Girl
Encore Ment 3 + short acapella version of “Manito”
25) You’re so Fine
26) Love
What’s Your Identity?
Redefining their identity as a rock band, the fingerprints on their concert title “CNBLUEntity” gives you a glimpse of what lies in their DNA.
Their faith never wavered or faltered.
Steadfast in their direction and passion in pursuit of their dreams and hearts’ desires, it hasn’t been a breeze being the minority in Korean Music Industry.
They are never treated as a full rock band, but more of an idol pop rock band.
It doesn’t matter the categorization of their music genre, as long as they are making good music.
They have been holding their fort well.
Focus is the key.
It is never about the flamboyant costumes, but their music and interaction with their fans.
The typical CNBLUE style for stage outfits are just simple tees – one set for the main gig, and a concert tee during Encore.
No VCR breaks, except some banter time, undoubtedly took a physical toll, having to run, sing and play their instruments for 3.5 hours.
I like how simple and down-to-earth they are.
They experience with electro funk and other genres from time to time.
Change is required while maintaining their identity.
Just having the flexibility to explore possibilities in such a cut-throat and saturated music industry alone, deserves our thumbs up.
It’s about rediscovering ourselves, unveiling our inert interests, and redefining the priorities in our lives.
Stage Presence & That Burning Passion
“We debuted 15 years ago. We will show you why we can play in Singapore after 15 years.”
That charisma and confidence of a young, yet seasoned band, sealed the deal for us.
The boundless energy reminded one of Energizer Bunny once again.
Uplifting your spirits in an instant, with their zest in life, fondness and devotion for their music, and simply reveling in the moment.
Besides aptitude and techniques, they possess the right attitude and mind set.
They continue forging forward, do what they love and are best at.
What We Love about CNBLUE Gigs
It can take us a day to yak about what we love about CNBLUE’s gigs. Here’s the non-exhaustive list below.
The Spontaneity & Camaraderie
CNBLUE and BOICEs’ spontaneity was something to muse about.
The spontaneity from Yonghwa shrieking, jumping around, asking audience to “make some noise” was his pet phrase, the rainbow sea during “Love Light”, ocean wave, flaunting biceps, triceps, crooning to “Nobody”, were some fond moments from the 3.5 hour gig.
“So-li jil-leo” (소리 질러) simply means “make some noise” in Korean.
From the “Micheyosseo” fanchants during “Cinderella”, “Love, Love, Love, Everybody, Crab Crab Crab” during “LOVE”, everyone knew when exactly to chip in.
The guys played “scissors, paper, stone” and Jungshin lost the game for the Nth time, thus he had to put on a fake mustache while playing the next song.
Dress Code Checked
While checking if BOICE followed the BLUE dress code that they announced prior to the gig, the cheeky guys had to find ways to ensure they stuck to what they set too, from accessories, arm bands to…. underwear? =X
We could only take what they said at face value of course.
Adrenaline Pumping & Head-banging Hits
While opening the show with “I’m a Loner” and “LOVE” had the hall being ecstatic, the head banger for me was literally “In My Head”.
This has always been one of my more favourite CNBLUE rock hits.
The show reached its climax when the mood elevated to at an all-time, at the 4th set with : “In My Head, I’m Sorry, Radio, Between Us”.
Yonghwa prancing on stage, standing on the keyboard table, doing his spins, showcasing his dolphin octaves and falsettos, while the entire hall got up on their feet, waving their arms in the air, bobbing along to their infectious music.
The 1-minute intro specially arranged for “In My Head” was beautifully executed as well.
强劲的音乐,strong and fast beats, powerful vocal and slightly 励志能宣泄的歌词.
歌手毫不吝啬都全部释放, 汗水淋漓,全情灌注,用所有的力气为观众表演, added on to the burning atmosphere.
Whatever we think, whoever who want to be, is all in our heads, isn’t it?
So apt for shrieking all your frustrations out too.
While I truly miss Jonghyun singing his designated parts, Jungshin did a good job covering those areas.
Thank you for urging everyone to stand.
That’s what we were waiting for, especially high up on the balcony.
Fan Service

From running around and down the stage to reach out to the audience in the mosh pit, to flaunting abs, flexing muscles, aegyos, throwing guitar picks, complimenting the fans for being “cantik”, posing with the fan banner, these guys had no qualms in giving whatever they could.
Trending Heart Cheek Pose
Towards the end of the show, whereby the trio wanted to take a group shot with the audience, they asked everyone to do the heart cheek pose with “Ahhh~~~~”, and had the hall repeating that till they were satisfied with the end result.
The hall chuckled while complying to that request. It totally reminded us of our childhood days whereby our elders would try to feed us some food and you had to go “ahhh”...
What was hilarious was, the band knew some of the audience would be too shy to to do so, thus they made a joke out of themselves:
“If we are 35 & can still do it, you guys can too. You do it better than us. ” 😅
Heartwarming Fan Projects
One tradition that BOICEs would fondly recall during CNBLUE’s previous gigs, was being revived in CNBLUEntity.
It jolted me back to those years when BOICEs would do the sea of white flashlights during “Love Light”.
In place of the sea of white, we had a lovely rainbow sea across the stadium, after 8 long years.
It was a love song dedicated from CNBLUE to their fans, although Yonghwa originally wrote it for Seohyun while they were filming “We Got Married”.
Being the perfectionist he is, Yonghwa requested the audience to redo the ocean wave 3 times, so that he could get the perfect angle.
It was fun nonetheless.
We love that vibe.
Entertaining MENTS
These guys are pretty “Wu Xim” (有心), always trying their best to speak in English every time they stage a gig in SG.
With an interpreter this round, they could relay more of their thoughts and entertain the audience with more engaging MENTs.
Incorporating SINGLISH
The Singlish phrase that’s still lingering in most of our minds right now would undoubtedly be “Buey Tahan Sia”!
It got the crowd scratching their heads initially when they started with “Buey Tah Sia”, to which the interpreter corrected them with the exact pronunciation and intonation. They did just that with hysterical impersonations.
Other than simple phrases such as “Steady la”, “Swee la”, “Cantik”, they also incorporated Singlish into some songs.
One such moment was when Yonghwa was playing on the keyboard and singing “Can’t Stop Loving you la”, and Yonghwa’s 101 favourite phrase “Everybody Chilli, Pepper Crab Crab Crab”~
When Jungshin didn’t know how to continue with his English phrases, his “anyway…“ had us laughing our heads off.
Not Singlish per se, but very typical Singaporean speaking style.
Nobody But You
This final part of their MENTs was definitely the highlight.
Yonghwa: I don’t wanna go home
Yonghwa to audience : You don’t wanna go home?
Yonghwa: I don’t wanna go home.
Yonghwa: Anyone needs to go home now, just leave. No worries.
Nobody? Nobody?
*Minhyuk singing and grooving to “Nobody”*
Yonghwa to Minhyuk: I knew you gonna do that..
Yonghwa doing the iconic pose : “Nobody, Nobody but you.” 😂
Sporting Translator
April is probably the most sporting translator/interpreter we had for Korean gigs thus far.
A translator’s job is considered done, if they just convey the conversations as close to the original meaning as possible, but she leveled it up by translating the guys’ singing different lyrics too.
If you think that was it, the guys tried to make things more “difficult” by rapping, so that she couldn’t catch up.
What surprised everyone was, April could rap so fast and well, that she earned the hall’s cheers and applause.
Even Minhyuk gave her a stand-up ovation.
Isn’t this what a fun gig should be like?!
Songs that Tug at Your Heartstrings
– Young Forever
“Can we go back? But there’s no turning back”.
A heart cringing wave crashed in, when you heard this phrase going on repeatedly during “Young Forever”.
There’s no turning back. CNBLUE is now a trio.
It’s just like people who were once in your life, are no longer steering in the same direction with you anymore.
People come and go, even without reasons.
They are only here for a season, and not many could stay for many more.
Be glad that you once shared those moments.
No “whys”, it’s just the way as it is as we age.
We would think of them every now and then, and wish them well, wherever they may be.
Then, Now, Forever
This song was released after Jonghyun’s departure.
While it may be seemingly a romance breakup song, it could also imply their take on what has happened.
“Sometimes I’m fine
Sometimes I miss it madly
Sometimes I want to forget it
I hope we become happier
I really hope so
There will be better days
We’re here then, now and forever”
The few ACAPELLA verses of “Manito” that Yonghwa randomly threw us, teleported us back to “Between Us” in 2017, whereby the quartet wascrooning to the unplugged version, on the extension stage.
Moving on, is forging on while keeping the good, old memories forever etched in our minds.
The Metamorphosis
These guys have morphed from young lads into matured men after the ordeal.
The training during military service has done them good. Their charisma on stage has become much more irresistible – not just in terms of physical, aesthetics, but also musically.
Each member is able to hold their fort in respective solo activities, showcasing a different side of them, such as acting ventures, fan meetings and also collaborations with various artistes.
Wild and Free Spirited Yonghwa
As if unleashing the innermost side of him after a 7-year long hiatus, and performing like it was his last, there was no holding back for Yonghwa.
Despite staging solo fanmeetings, we knew he missed the stage with CNBLUE most.
His ability to have the crowd gravitate towards him with just an eye contact, wink or request to “make some noise”, was as effortless as his bewitching flawless falsettos.
Yonghwa’s expansive vocal range from tenor to soprano, perfect falsettos, resounding head voice, added so much depth and flavour to his emotive delivery.
You can’t take your eyes off his triceps, biceps, trapezius, too.
We all love a 不按牌理出牌的人来疯主唱, and his spur of the moment antics.
Being conscious in keeping fit lately, the guys had a great time flexing their toned physique.
Not that we are complaining what’s nourishing to our eyes.
Like a magnum feast under the sweltering heat, Yonghwa’s generous fan services with his butt twerks, abs and muscles flashing, cheeky smiles got us screaming “Somebody, Help Me”...
Top flipping to reveal his abs cheekily several times during “Cinderella”, would have you agreeing that, he’s indeed “so dangerous” as depicted in the lyrics.
Sweat trickling down the chiseled jawline and veins along the muscular arm, sent hearts fluttering too.
Did we mention he’s a Shriekaholic too?
As if chancing upon a new-found love, he had an awesome time shrieking lyrics during many tracks, such as “I’m a Loner”, “You’re so Fine”, “Lady”, “Cinderella”, “In My Head”, “I’m Sorry”, “Radio”.
After concluding his solo fan meetings and CNBLUE’s Asia Tour, Yonghwa’s geared to star in a new mystery movie “Favourite Restaurant”.
Maknae Jungshin, The Gentle Giant
Jungshin always reminds me of a quiet and gentle giant. His pet golden retriever, Simba, is just as lovable as his owner.
The tallest is the bashful maknae of the band.
As the bassist, his role was to outline the harmonic structure of all band members, and especially syncing and keeping to the groove of drummer.
He tried his best to engage and interact with the audience, joining Yonghwa at the extension stage, dancing and spinning round.
The maknae has been active in acting endeavours in recent years, taking on supporting roles in “Shooting Stars”, and attempted a villain role in “The Escape of the Seven”.
Slow and steady, one step at a time, the maknae’s amassing his acting experiences, so that he can horn his acting skills and take on bigger roles in future.
This also aids in CNBLUE members’ exposure on TV and online media platforms, which can help them to reach out to more international fans.
Minhyuk’s Transformation from the Boy Next Door
Minhyuk is undoubtedly the looker, whose crescent-eyed smiles would melt your hearts.
After a successful transformation from the rich teenage heir in “The Heirs” to a a charismatic Chaebol in Netflix drama “Celebrity”, Minhyuk has garnered lots of international fans, which in turn expanded CNBLUE’s fan base.
Even sitting at the back of the stage could not hide his suave, boyish look.
The handsome drummer quietly used all his might and arm power (biceps again!) to keep the pulse and grooves of their music on track.
Wearing sleeveless tops allowed him to flaunt his more toned up physique too.
We saw all the subtle 小心机 & 小巧思 right there.
Hope to hear more of Minhyuk’s singing in future compositions too, though we know it’s extremely tough to sing and play the drums simultaneously.
As for his future acting adventures, we can’t wait to see which other new roles he would attempt.
Similar to many other Korean fan meetings, Soundcheck & Goodbye sessions for VIP ticket holders, free photo cards for all, were pretty much the trend these days.
What we were more thrilled about, was that the gig spanned as long as 3.5 hours!
Their previous gigs never went beyond 2.5 hours, so this was like a godsend gift to all BOICEs present.
Never was a moment dull.
Former Bandmate Jonghyun’s Void
While the reasons behind Jonghyun’s departure were apparent, so that the band doesn’t get implicated by his actions, one should not discredit him for his past contributions as part of CNBLUE.
His absence could definitely be felt by long-time fans, when the trio belted their old-time classics that used to have a large part of Jonghyun’s vocals.
You would go in your mind “Oh, Jonghyun was supposed to be on the right, while Minhyuk more to the middle back then”.
When did fans feel Jonghyun’s void the most?
– Jungshin taking over verses he used to sing, especially “In My Head” whereby he had a large coverage
– JP Young covering as their guitarist standing at the back
– Phrases in “Young Forever” that go “Can we go back? But there’s no turning back”
– Impromptu Acapella version of “Manito” nudged one’s memory in “Between Us” 2017, whereby the quartet played an unplugged version
We apprehend that technicalities can be covered, and we would all get accustomed to it over time, but that invisible void can never be completely filled.
Neither the guys nor the fans talk about him anymore, but we could tell they had to make quite an effort covering that void.
Yonghwa had to sprint doubly hard around the stadium, Jungshin had to step up to sing more.
All of them had to work it through and re-establish camaraderie with JP Young.
For people who didn’t know them, it didn’t feel like anything is missing.
The cruel reality is that, no one is indispensable. You just need to attune to some adjustments and let time work its magic.
Guess we may never get to hear some songs that we used to love again, such as “Teardrops in the Rain” whereby Jonghyun did majority of the vocals.
Jonghyun used to be my most favourite in CNBLUE. Hesitated if I should attend this gig, but glad that I came.
It was evident that with or without Jonghyun, CNBLUE’s music still tugs at your heartstrings.
There were occasions when my mind would wander off, pondering if Jonghyun has reflected and regretted his actions, and how he’s living his life right now?
If not for his foolish acts, he would have been here sharing their portion of glory, fun and burden, at this very moment.
The trio’s boundless rapport is still there. The gig was incredibly enjoyable.
BOICEs need time to attune to it, moreover the boys.
They didn’t just beef up, but also manned up.
We can see that they have trained up physically so as to maintain their stamina, did more singing or running around to cover the extra one-man’s load.
Now, you have to ask yourself this question:
Do you enjoy their music as a whole, or just solely follow the band for this particular member?
The answer is apparent.
Where does this Lead CNBLUE to Next?
Jonghyun had his fair share of compositions in the albums, so that CNBLUE’s musical style would be more balanced out.
With Yonghwa being the only one left in the band who does most compositions now, how would it steer the band’s direction next?
Ensuring that they do not lose CNBLUE’s unique musical style, but also not steering too closely towards his personal style, would be crucial.
Since they have hit another phase in their mid 30s now, it may be a good opportunity for them to explore new genres.
Earlier in January, Yonghwa appeared on BTS Suga’s programme “SUGA’s ‘Suchwita (Time to Drink with SUGA)'” to talk about fame and how to sustain themselves after hitting the plateau.
Once oblivious to the fact that his popularity wouldn’t last forever, he knew it isn’t the case now.
While those who have left the fandom can still see him on stage, he doesn’t get to meet them anymore.
Guess that’s part of growing up and learning how to deal with the peaks and valleys of being a celebrity.
After the mass photo taking session with the cutesy cheek heart pose and hilarious “Ahhh~~~”, the trio ran the last lap with “You’re so Fine” and “Love”.
Showcasing the prowess of his impressive diaphragm, Yonghwa sang some lines to “You’re so Fine“ without his mic.
Even from the balcony seats, we could hear him loud and clear.
Seemingly impressed with the atmosphere, he took a selfie video while singing the final song “LOVE”, and sang “Crab Crab Crab” to his heart’s content once more, before the guys gave their last bow.
The band spoke about still singing for BOICEs in their 60s, and being together forever with BOICEs.
Having seen Super Junior embarking on their 19th Anniversary this year, sparks hopes that CNBLUE can continue for a long, long time as a rock band too.
While no one can predict the future, when there’s a pact made, people will have something to look forward to, and strive towards fulfilling their promise.
For now, if you think they are doing an awesome job, let’s reciprocate in the way they like.
Cheer them up by attending their gigs, give your loudest cheers, support their upcoming musical and acting works.
It felt like a walk down memory lane that night, but at the same time, we knew they were ready to take on more with a renewed vision now.
We had a great time unleashing all the penned up emotions and feel totally recharged.
Bring the next tour on!