Why a SUJU Special?
Because we couldn’t get enough of these dorks’ funny banter…
Because their performance was our favourite during Hallyupop Fest 2019…
Simply because the legends are back, and this teases a long-anticipated reunion for the upcoming Super Show 8…
If 15 years in the KPOP scene weren’t enough to show you what they are capable of, just look at the source of immense strength behind them – that sea of sapphire blue (known as ELFs – Ever Lasting Friends) which weathered through the storms. Their fandom is such an incredulous force that keeps them going on like a MIRACLE even after 15 years…
It’s been an extremely long wait for ELFs around the globe since 2010, for all the SUJU members to be discharged from military service. It’s no easy feat for a boy band to last 15 years, let alone for a boy band’s fandom to withstand the excruciating wait of 8 years. That unwavering love is all the more worth applauding for.
Much talk has been going on about SUJU appearing as a complete group in the 2nd half of 2019. We wondered if this would mean the FIRST complete appearance at the Hallyupop Fest 2019.
To our dismay, they were lacked of 3 members – Kyuhyun had a solo fan meeting, Siwon was busy wrapping up his drama “My Fellow Citizens” and Heechul would give stage performances a miss till his old leg injury gets better.
What’s 2 hours of waiting time for them to appear at the Hallyupop Fest 2019 compared to all these years of waiting?
As the hall turned into a bobbing sea of sapphire blue when the intro music started playing, the flashing red lights and silhouette of these guys rising on stage, it propelled you into a moment of Déjà vu.
That ever so familiar moment when they emerged on stage to perform the 1st song “Superman” during Super Show 4, sprung back to mind instantaneously. That moment, a voice inside of you would go “The Kings are back!”
The sextet (6-member group for the night) took the stage with their most classic hits “Sorry, Sorry” and “Bonamana”. While it wasn’t as big a group as during their best years, it brought you comfort that it was so much better than seeing a 4-member performance at SM Town in 2017, when most members were in military.

The one thing you will love about a Super Junior performance is that ELFs know exactly when to execute their fan chants so perfectly.
他们现在都以比较“优哉“的姿态,在夹缝中求存的韩国音乐市场继续行走着。这或许就是他们屹立不倒的秘诀。这走尽坎坷路的团体,究竟有什么大风大浪没见过的呢? 可以看他们那么悠然自得地瞎胡闹,闲聊着,其实对粉丝来说,是一大欣慰和快乐。
As the pioneers in riding the Hallyu Wave worldwide, they have left behind a legacy that would be remembered by many, for years to come.
What happens after the peak?
They choose to walk this route at a more comfortable pace to realize their dream together.
Just like SJ, half of the dormant ELFs reserved their energy till the KINGs appeared, whereby you would see the stadium lit up in a beautiful sea of sapphire blue.
That inert excitement was channeling right from within.
Performance List
- Sorry, Sorry
- Bonamana
- One More Chance
- It has to be You (Yesung’s Solo)
- Drunk in the Morning (Ryeowook Solo)
- ‘Bout You – D&E
- Miracle
It was to my slight dismay that they didn’t perform more songs as a group, since they had only 7 songs on the list. It probably has come to a point in their career whereby they can decide how they want their individual members to shine on an international stage.
If you come from Teuk’s point of view as the leader (It’s not difficult to guess he must have had a part in deciding this since he wants the best for his members), he would want to introduce his members’ solo works and sub unit’s works to more audience.
While we love their solo and mini group performances during Super Shows, perhaps it could have been better if they performed a string of dance medleys and ballads for such big events, to cater to the general public.
It depends on which of the 2 perspectives you come from:
- Love whatever SUJU prepared and feel that it was a good opportunity for respective members to showcase their works to a wider audience
- Wanted to just hear their classics as a group
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m a true Blue ELF and I love Super Junior enough to want to do a special write up on them.
However, it was apparent that they were not on form that day as there were varying pitches or notes that they couldn’t hit well. It might be for the last minute need to cover Siwon’s and Heechul’s parts. They sounded much better during all of their Super Shows.
It is evident that age has caught up with them as they panted heavily after 2 dance tracks, but their will power is commendable. Hey, they are an “old age boy band” whereby the average age is around 33 years old, but they just age so ever gracefully.
The Long-Winded , Funny Banter that ELFs Love
What’s a Super Show Super Junior performance without their impromptu, funny banter?
That’s definitely one of the main highlights of their stage appearances.
They were well aware that this was not their Super Show, but it seemed that they just couldn’t stop yakking once they open up their chatter box. Perhaps, it’s got to do with age. =X
Can we have a Super Talk Show series coming up too?
We can just sit and listen to them talk about anything under the sun and laugh for 3 hours.
From how they attempted English, Mandarin, professing their love for chili and pepper crabs and asking one another to smell their fingertips, attempted quirky dance moves, you would just shake your head but smile in agreement that “Dorks will be Dorks”.
Shindong mentioned that since everyone understands Korean, he shall speak more Korean, while Ryeowook expressed he had a really fun time in Singapore, especially bingeing on all the seafood goodness.
嘴巴最甜的 Donghae started addressing the fans as “亲爱的,宝贝” etc and praising them to be “漂亮,可爱,Sexy”.
What a sweet talker he is! It undoubtedly melted many ELFs’ hearts.
While he may not be the eldest in the group, his memory seemed to be failing every time he came to Singapore. During SS7, he mentioned they did not come for about 4 to 5 years. One year later now, he proclaimed that he missed the fans a lot since they have not been here for 5 years.
Well, it may have felt that long, but it is just 1.5 years in fact.
Yesung was in an exceptionally bright mood that day, as he could be seen beaming and smiling from time to time and responding to fans who shouted his name. He asked if fans missed him and SJ and that they were really excited to return to Singapore.
Eunhyuk started speaking in English, saying a Big Hello and how much he misses Singapore and sending some flying kisses, while an unimpressed Yesung mimicked him with an annoyed “Tsk”. While he knew they only had a few songs for this performance, it meant they could put in more energy into the short performance.
Teuk did his 招牌拉尾音 with “What’s up Singaporeeeeeeeeeeeee?” He began chanting his love for the chili and pepper crabs that he had since the day before and even till before they went on stage, mesmerized by the lingering smell on his fingertips while Eunhyuk was too focused in eating the crabs that he stained his outfit for the red carpet earlier.
After a few good minutes about eating crabs, Lee Teuk tried to pacify the audience saying that they are better than any of the crabs that they had.
Well, should the fans feel happy being compared to a delicious local dish?
The Tom & Jerry Duo (Yesung and Eunhyuk) who were nearest to Lee Teuk, began loosening the laces on Teuk’s top to reveal some chest muscles and cleavage, while Teuk proudly declared as “big size”. These guys are just one of the most hilariously funny lot.
Teukkie took the longest time to say his heartfelt words on stage (as usual), but he also let the cat out of the bag that Eunhyuk would be extending his stay for 2 more days just to tour around Singapore. He even urged fans to wait for Eunhyuk at the hotel, or bring him on a tour around or try spotting him.
Ain’t he such a SABO King or BAOTOH King? (It means to deliberately cause trouble or inconvenience to someone or in this instance, someone who spills the beans). However, we are glad to have seen Eunhyuk posting selfies and photos of our lovely scenery and landscape during his stay and he mostly stayed away from the public’s eye.
A 哭笑不得 anchovy began saying that he enjoys touring around the countries that he has held concerts at, to understand the different cultures and enjoy the lovely scenery.
Yesung quipped that the 2 of them will not have a conversation for a month after this event.
I like how Donghae described “One More Chance” as an emotional song and requested fans to switch on their mobile phones’ flash light, while Eunhyuk added on “If your cell phone’s battery is OK”. While the sea of blue and white “starlight” is not uncommon during “One More Chance” performances, it still warmed your hearts as the hall lit up in a sea of blue and white, just for these guys.
The Quirky Dance to “Bout You”
As KPOP fans may know, “Bout You” is a lively and chirpy track from Super Junior D&E’s previous album. There’s one part of the dance that got the crowd laughing in stitches, especially when you watch how Ryeowook and Lee Teuk execute those moves in the quirkiest manner.
Well, we knew they did it for entertainment and in support of their fellow ‘86 liners.
Lost Sense of Time – Is It Year 2000 or 2019?
These guys took more than 10 minutes (which they could perform 2 more songs) just to 寒喧&打屁…
While Leeteuk was expressing his gratitude to the fans for being with them all these years, he quipped that “Hallyupop Fest 2000” is an important event whereby different artistes would showcase their best works.
He said “Two Thousand” so proudly and confidently in English. It was not long before the members giggled and burst into laughter as he realised that it should be “Twenty Nineteen”!
It appeared that Leadernim was too head over heels with the crabs in Singapore, that he had lost track of the year we are currently living in. We don’t blame him, since he’s the oldest among the group. Ahem.
It was then when he talked about how they have been through 15 years because of their fans. They created a miracle back then called “Super Junior” and here they are still shining like a miracle.
We can’t say that SUPER JUNIOR is just a miracle without their hard work or ups and downs. They have been through much pain and sacrifices over the years, received tremendous love but also hurt and scrutiny with much fame.
As they bounced energetically around on stage and running across the runway, it felt as if time had stood still. They are still the young guys at heart that we know.
Whenever you see Lee Teuk going to every single little corner to make a 90-degree bow and thank the fans, it still warms your heart.
Nothing’s changed.
You will love Super Junior, not just for their performances, funny banter, sportsmanship, dorkiness, but also sincere nature. Not forgetting, they are the Kings of Fan Service.
They may not be the HOTTEST in town right now, but it is unlikely that those who are into KPOP have never heard about Super Junior.
It was albeit a short, but meaningful “gathering” at the Hallyupop Fest 2019.
They have always kept their promises to leave no one behind.
While we hope to see a COMPLETE SUPER JUNIOR for Super Show 8, their label confirmed recently that it would only be a 9-member comeback , which includes Lee Teuk, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Yesung, Shindong, Siwon, Ryeowook, Heechul, Kyuhyun.
Sungmin and Kangin would have solo activities but still aren’t “allowed” to participate in group activities.
Despite all that the whole of SUJU is going through, there’s no obstacle that SUJU could not handle.
Sunshine will always come after the rain.
To see SUJU complete and whole again, is the biggest wish that ELFs have all these years.
Someday, it will happen.
But for now, we will hang on tight till we see you guys back in Super Show 8.
To reminisce Super Junior’s Super Show 7 in SG in 2018, pls visit: