This is the Moment
“This is the moment”, not only summed up the Korean heartthrob‘s noteworthy 10 years in showbiz, but also relayed his fans’ excitement in meeting him.
As the saying goes “to save the best for the last”, Singapore HAEINESS thanked their lucky stars that Jung Hae In could wrap up his Asia Tour here with an unforgettable night, before he makes a detour back to Seoul for an Encore show.
It was a memorable night on 29 Oct 2023, with an earnest exchange of love and amazing synergy – a tribute to Jung Hae In’s successful acting career and a “Thanksgiving” gathering which celebrated the mutual appreciation between the actor and his adoring fans.
Although it’s forever summer in Singapore, we can safely bet that the BEST Season in SG HAEINESS’ hearts would be the moment they meet Jung Hae In at “The 10th Season”.
The intensity of how passionate SG HAEINESS were, is comparable to our one and only season.
One highlight of the gathering was the ecstatic fanboys with the loudest cheers. Other than gaining Hae In’s attention, they also spiced up the event with entertaining interactions.
To the actor’s surprise, he was amused at how loud SG HAEINESS were and reminded them to drink more water.
Fans were generous in showing their affection too, with the hall chanting “Saranghaeyo, Jung Hae In”.
We were crowned by the man as the “Most Interactive Stop” of his Asia Tour.
In Jung Hae In’s stance, it has always been a reciprocal two-way traffic between him and HAEINESS.
The positive and lively exchange of love, support and energy flowing throughout the FM, kept our hearts warmed and consoled.
That’s probably how Hae In got a little emotional as he recounted his filming experiences, camaraderie with his co-workers, reading his fans’ life stories and, while watching the fanmade video with heartfelt messages.
The suave actor, who’s also boyish-looking, was beaming with his sunshine smile the entire time.
Our eyes were blessed with a visual feast and our ears with a soothing vocal.
Thoughtful gestures such as taking selfies and giving big hugs to fans who went on stage, never fail to swoon the envious mass.
Definitely swooning the hearts of not just noonas, but across all ages and genders.
Personable Guy-Next-Door
While he may come from a wealthy and affluent family background, you would find him even more personable than your guy-next-door.
He makes you feel at ease and exudes the pleasant, comfy vibes, no airs of a celebrity at all. He’s likable in every sense.
Indeed, the actor’s big heart is as dashing as his good looks.
From jogging to different corners of the stage to reach out to fans, throwing autographed paper planes, wefies with different poses and big hugs to all who went on stage, autographed props and personal items, allowing fans to video him during the Goodbye Session and even offered to take a wefie who has sprained her ankle, Jung Hae In delivered one of the most ultimatum fan services one can imagine.
He wears his heart on his sleeves.
He tugged at your heartstrings with his casual antics, such as passing water to the host and translator on stage, being mindful not to tire the cameraman out by jogging from one end to another.
Knowing how strict Korean productions are, this is one of the rare occasions you get such a fuss-free & generous serving of fan-service.
Someone who is able to put himself in the shoes of others (ie. 将心比心) and see things from their perspectives, would undoubtedly go far in life.
He is sincere, generous, modest, warm, considerate, thoughtful, appreciative and bubbly.
What’s there not to like about this heart throb?
He’s a 10.
Other than Park Bo Gum, Jung Hae In is the 2nd actor who made it to our list of super genuine and personable K Actors.
They are just as what you see, be it on stage or off screen.
Having coworkers, organisers, backstage crew who worked with them also praising them for their sincerity, are testaments to how they are good human beings in real life.
While acting chops and good looks would pave the way, it is their personality and attitude that determine how long they would shine in the industry. You just can’t fake sincerity.
If I have a daughter, I would wish she can meet someone like the 2 of them, who are potential good son-in-law material. =S
There’s a humble, yet confident demeanour about Hae In.
Yet he was certain that only his fans would find him cute.
Special Thanks to Host & Translator
Prior to the official commencement of the FM, Host Matthew Zachary Liu came on stage to “warm” the audience up a little.
As it was Hae In’s final overseas stop, Matthew urged the audience to shout “Saranghaeyo, Jung Hae In” when he makes his appearance, since the actor was feeling nervous.
We would like to thank Matthew for his professionalism (despite having met with an accident and turned up in a cast), and the effort put in to reap more fan benefits by seeking Hae In’s permission, who was delighted to do more for HAEINESS.
Not forgetting Song Im for doing an awesome job at translating as per always.
Meeting the Heartthrob for the 1st Time in 10 Years
The audience warmly welcomed Jung Hae In with loud cheers and applause as he performed his 1st song “Crazy” by Kevin Oh & Primary, from the soundtrack of D.P.
Draped in a white satin shirt with pearls that glimmered, the dashing actor was gleaming in his megawatt sunshine smile as he greeted his fans.
Flashbacks from the military drama came to mind as we watched the man sing before us.
Song lyrics were projected on screen, so that fans could sing along.
He sounded good for an actor, who didn’t undergo professional training.
The (slightly) shy actor admitted that it was the first time he made a mistake in his song performance as he was was very nervous for the last leg of his “10th Season” Asia Tour.
SG HAEINESS wasted no time in showing him our prowess and cheered him on, till some may need logenzes after the event.
Opening His Heart to SG HAEINESS
From being a little jittery at first, to slowly opening up and being more spontaneous as time flew by, you would witness the various lovable facets of this charming actor.
You wouldn’t leave the FM without complimenting him.
Professing his love for singing, he expressed that it gives him a lot of confidence when many fans complimented that he’s a good singer.
To much pleasures of his fans, he disclosed that he was planning a concert, whereby he would be able to sing a lot more then.
When asked what words would he use to sum up his 10 years in the entertainment industry, his instant reply was “This is the moment”.
His acting journey has been full of ups and downs, but this path eventually led him to where he is as a well-loved and acclaimed actor now, who can hold fan meetings to greet his fans in Asia.
It has been a special and memorable experience being able to meet his fans who have been following his dramas ardently for the last decade.
The FM comprised of several segments, from belting songs from his drama OSTs, Q&A & games sessions, choosing the most loved scenes by fans, and reading the life stories of some fans to give them encouragement in moving on.
Segment 1 – Behind the Scenes Selcas
The 1st segment was getting to know more about the actor with a simple Q&A session, which was also a sharing session of the selcas he took during his filming breaks.
The 1st selca was him in blonde hair when he was filming his debut drama, “Bride of the Century”.
Oops, it has only just come to my realisation now that he was that blonde cutie in the drama. =X
There was another selca of him in a face full of blood from one of his action dramas.
Judging from the fans’ responses to his various hairstyles, they seemed to prefer him with shorter hair.
The selca that had the crowd going wild, was a solo shot at the hotel room balcony when he came to Marina Bay Sands to promote the Disney Plus drama “Connect” last year.
With his hair styled up and decked in a full creamy-white suit, he was literally a Prince Charming glowing from head to toe.
Advice for his Younger Self
Qn: What advice would he give to his younger self?
If he could go back in time to his debut self, he would prep him that there would be a lot of ups and downs and difficult times ahead.
However, do hang in there for he would become an actor who’s loved by many.
The cruz is to keep going.
That’s some useful advice for everyone who’s going through difficulties now.
Just clench your fists and forge on. You will thank yourself for persevering in time to come.
Segment 2 – Costumes from His Dramas
Based on his boyish looks, the 35-year old could easily pass off as someone in his 20s.
When asked about his secret to looking youthful, Hae In joked that his elixir to anti-aging is TOP Secret.
He believes in maintaining a healthy diet and disciplined exercise regime. He may be a whiskey lover, but he doesn’t consume alcohol too often as it can induce ageing.
While going through 4 of his drama costumes and putting them on for our eyes’ pleasures, it felt like he reprised his roles for a briefly, catapulting us back to those drama-worthy moments.
Which outfit do you think Hae In look the best in?
The military uniform from D.P., doctor (pharmacist) uniform from “One Spring Night”, green trench coat or pink pullover from “Something in the Rain”?
My picks would be the military uniform and green trench coat.
Toughest Drama to Act In
Qn: Which was the toughest drama to act in?
D.P. may be deeply memorable for Hae In, but it was tougher for him to flim “Snowdrop”, since his character died.
He specially requested the director to flim Soo Ho’s death scene on the final day of shooting, so that he could better express the character’s emotions.
It got him emotional at the thought that it would be the last day he would see the entire crew.
He left the filming set feeling regretful.
The 2nd toughest drama to film would be D.P.
It was physically and emotionally challenging for him.
Well, we can attest to that while watching him run after deserters, or away from his enemies.
The emotional distress, trauma and guilt that Jun Ho had, could be immensely felt as well.
It was akin to seeing the world in a whole new perspective through his character. It’s painful to see all the unjust happenings, yet there was nothing much he could do to change anything.
We second that.
This world is still far from being perfect.
It is about how we can try to find comfort, solace and love amidst all the unjust happenings.
Not just the love for others, but most importantly, to learn how to love ourselves first.
Ways to Detach from His Characters After Filming Wrapped Up
Qn: How does he get out of his characters then?
The best method to detach from his drama characters, would be working out rigorously, so that he’s too physically tired to have any negative thoughts.
Come to think of it, he has been playing characters which went through a lot of upheavals in life.
It’s probably time for his future characters to have more “happiness” infused.
With that said, the actor had similar thoughts and look forward to trying out comedy genres or Rom-Com dramas in future.
Segment 3 – That Season, The Season That We Like
Prior to the fan meeting, a white board with pictures of 8 scenes from Hae In’s dramas was set up outside the venue, for fans to cast their votes for the Top 5 favourite scenes.
Hae In recounted his respective filming experiences while revealing the choices in descending order.
Out of the so many seasons in his 10 years of acting, which is the character that leaves the most impression on you?
The top 3 winners from fans’ picks were namely:
1st – Something in the Rain
2nd – Snow Drop
3rd – D.P.
We would find out if it holds the same set of memories for the actor later on.
8) Guardian: The Lonely and Great God/ Goblin

One of the 1st times we recalled seeing the suave actor on screen was during his cameo in “Goblin”, whereby he played Kim Go Eun’s 1st crush.
Half mocking his own acting, he pointed out that he could never get used to his awkward acting back then, since no one ever catches baseball while standing still in real life.
Well, that’s the beauty of Idol dramas. Even the smallest actions get amplified and romanticised.
7) Tune in for Love

It was another collaboration with Kim Go Eun.
He mentioned that he ran a lot in this movie. From then on, he just kept running in his dramas, such as “D.P.”, etc.
Well, perhaps the directors noticed how charismatic Hae In looked while running. =X
6) Prison Playbook

This was a painful scene to watch as Captain Yoo was wailing out loud in the cell.
The versatile actor expressed that it’s possible for him to cry on cue, whenever required during filming.
5) One Spring Night

He would like to have a go at roles that would showcase his cuteness.
4) While You Were Sleeping

It’s apparent this scene would draw the loudest cheers, because Hae In was topless.
Some behind-the-scenes TMI which he revealed was, he had to stay dehydrated and did not drink for 2 days in order to film this scene.
Once filming ended, he drank a lot to rehydrate himself.
So much effort just to perfect a short scene.
The hall exploded to another round of cheers and applause for the professional actor.
3) D.P. 1

D.P. isn’t a romance drama but he was surprised at how well received it was.
The actor wasn’t sure when, but was hopeful that there would be a Season 3.
We would all love to see how Jun Ho mature as he gets through the remaining half of his military service and gets promoted to a corporal.
2) Snowdrop

When talking about the final shooting for “Snowdrop”, Hae In paused for a while and you could see tears welling in his eyes.
It was very emotional since it was the last scene shot for the entire series.
He couldn’t stop crying after filming, as he grew very attached to the director, his co-stars and crew over time. It’s sad that he could not see them again.
Those present could literally empathise with what he felt.
If the audience was already so immersed in the drama, let alone the actors who literally lived as the characters for several months.
1) Something in the Rain

It doesn’t come as a surprise that “Something in the Rain” topped the charts, since it’s the drama that brought Hae In’s popularity to another level.
Who can resist a charming dongsaeng in a romance flick?
Hae In’s Favourite Scene

Nonetheless, our lead actor’s personal favourite scene wasn’t any of the 8 options provided.
The last scene in D.P. 2 left the most impression on him.
We would not disclose any spoilers if you have yet to watch the drama. It’s a highly recommended drama whereby you would experience the emotional roller-coaster rides with Ahn Jun Ho.
While Jung Hae In is a versatile actor and can assimilate most roles, I prefer him in action flicks compared to romance genres.
No doubt he could easily sweep you over as a loving Prince Charming, I feel that he has the potential just like Ji Chang Wook.
They exude a special aura when they are in action flicks and also showcasing the complicated emotions when faced with extreme dangers or obstacles in life.
D.P. tops my list of favourite Jung Hae In dramas, and I look forward to watching “Connect” next.
Some aegyo to liven up the atmosphere:
Segment 4: More Serenading & Fun Activities
After an intermission video of photo collages, Hae In made his way back on stage.
Decked in a white top with blue woollen vest and jeans, Hae In began spinning the red umbrella he had with him.
Yeah, no prizes for guessing.
Serenading the crowd with “Stand By Your Man”, an OST track from “Something in the Rain”, Hae In brought us back to the “Noona” years.
Regardless you are a Noona, Hyung, Dongsaeng, Ajumma, Ajushi, Halmeoni, Harabeoji, no one escapes being charmed by Jung Hae In.
Nicknamed as “milk man” for his good skin complexion, this guy looks absolutely flawless.
Interactive & Hilarious Games Segment
Glad that Jung Hae In was game and spontaneous enough when Host Matthew asked if he was alright with doing things off script, such as inviting fans up the stage to play games with him.
It might sound like something simple, but given how strict Korean artiste management companies are, we appreciate how FNC let Hae In go with the flow.
Remember that SG fans had the loudest cheers and the most interactive exchange?
The initial plan was for Hae In to attempt reaping more fan benefits by completing 3 games within 60 seconds each.
Putting in his best playing 5 stones, throwing 3 ping pong balls consecutively into a cup.
As the host put it, this man worked well under pressure, for he was able to complete his tasks by the last few seconds.
Top Notch Fan Service
One of the most ecstatic fanboys with the loudest screams for the night, was invited on stage to play the Squid Game Ddakji Paper Flipping Game with Hae In.
He couldn’t contain his excitement with his up-close encounter and touched Hae In by the arm, which the actor didn’t mind at all, of course.
After winning the game hands down, this lucky fan had the privilege of taking wefies with Jung Hae In.
This was when a halo formed on top of Hae In’s head.
He was so spontaneous, considerate and sweet that he would take several wefies, with various poses and angles, to ensure that whoever was taking wefies with him, would look good too.
That was probably the 1st I have seen from any Korean artiste. One shot would generally be the max, especially if it was taken by the crew. Some wefies may even turn out blurry.
Several other lucky fans were picked via lucky draw to go on stage to receive gifts that were specially prepared by Hae In.
These gifts included props from his dramas, such as the eye patch from “Connect”, bandage rolls, a favourite cap which he autographed, and autographed paper planes (Snowdrop) to fans off stage.
He jokingly urged the audience not to sell them on Carousell.
Everyone who went on stage was entitled to a big bear hug and wefies on their mobile phones.
He took it at his own pace, disregarding people chasing him to hurry up. It was ok to overrun.
How endearing was this handsome actor who not just has the looks, but also a big, big heart?
He knew exactly what HAEINESS wanted and he delivered without asking.
Segment 5: Fan Sharing Session: What’s Your Season?
After sharing his 10 Seasons in Showbiz, Jung Hae In took the opportunity to find out how the seasons in Haeiness’ lives look like.
Genuinely Concerned about How His Fans Are Doing
While he was unable to showcase all the fan letters, he reassured that he has read all of them and found some stories to be really sad.
He looked forward to this session as he was genuinely interested to know what kind of people his fans are, and what goes on in their lives.
While it may be common for K artistes to read out fan messages for them, it’s one of the 1st whereby the artiste requested life stories from their fans.
When reading out the fans’ heartfelt stories, he shared his personal views and offered sincere advice too.
不是敷衍, he really took time to think it over first and put himself in their perspectives.
The 2 stories that were selected, had obviously left him with an impact. He even paused to compose himself before he could continue reading at times.
The 1st story might seem like a KDrama storyline to some, but Hae In applauded this fan for opening up her vulnerabilities to him and many others.
We would have all gone through heartbreaks or unrequited loves. Sometimes, you just didn’t have the affinity to get together due to unknown factors.
However, Hae In asked her to believe that she might still get the chance to meet him someday if it was destined to.
The 2nd fan shared a close-death encounter from internal bleeding. It got Hae In very worried and asked if she is okay now.
The audience gave this lady a round of applause for being a survivor, a fighter who gives appreciation for the gift of life.
It was a moving encounter and exchange on stage. This warrior deserved a big, warm hug.
This lady thanked Hae In for his existence. His works gave her strength to overcome life’s challenges.
Now that she’s well, she would be visiting Hae In’s hometown in November. He provided some recommendations on where she could visit and mentioned that perhaps, he might be able to meet her too.
While this may sound like some “PR” words that idols would say to make their fans happy, we are certain this guy would hold truth to his words if his schedule allows.
Gonna Work Harder to Bring More Joy to His Fans
Such raw and heartfelt encounters with his fans are precious gifts. He felt very touched that his fans would find motivation to forge on despite difficult times when they watch his dramas.
It makes him want to work harder to bring better works, so that he could bring them more joy and happiness. It also aids him in becoming a better person as well.
Yes, please continue acting for a long, long time, as we all need that escapade from our daily grind.
He was visibly touched after watching the fanmade video which also penned well wishes and encouragement from SG HAEINESS.
Host Matthew was awed by how attentive and considerate Hae In was. He was by far the only actor who would pass water to his host and translator, like a daily casual act.
Many celebrities may have their heads high up in the air, but it’s certain that Hae In treats himself as an equal to all other commoners.
Being an actor is his job, but it doesn’t change his fundamental core as a good human being.
The 3rd song that he prepared was “A Grain of Sand” by Lim Woo Young.
Hae In gave some insights to what’s upcoming.
He would wrap up “The 10th Season” with an Encore show in December, and a new project that we can all anticipate in 2024.
He thanked the fans for the great energy.
Hopefully, he would get to meet HAEINESS in SG again next year.
Just remember these golden phrases from Hae In:
“Keep Going. Keep Your Head Up.”
“I Choose to Love You” (by Hyorin) was the finale song.
It was apt as an ending song, since Hae In would like to show his gratitude to HAEINESS, who chose to love and support him the past decade.
It’s reciprocal whereby he chooses to love his fans in the sweetest way possible.
The Goodbye Bonus
No audience was left behind in this fan meeting.
All ticket holders were allowed to join in the “Goodbye” session after the show.
Much to our delight, the management company allowed us to film our “Goodbyes” with Jung Hae In, as a bonus takeaway for keepsake.
Perhaps, it was at Hae In’s request. Maybe the people working with him are just as big-hearted, and would consider fans’ perspectives.
He would take a moment to look at every audience and wave goodbye, saying his thanks at times.
If you have seen the viral Tiktok video, he asked a fan to take a wefie together after seeing that she had sprained her ankle and was walking with crutches.
It shows his appreciation towards his fans who made time for him despite their injury.
Our hearts were full. We’re sure it goes the same for Hae In.
Many thanks to the organisers who made this possible!