Is it 超時空男臣 or 超时空男神?

If it’s a combination of the 3 leads, 大军的行侠仗义,武功超逸,一波的聪明绝顶,和有小冬那温柔细心的个性和那厨艺。。 我想,那就是所谓真正的”男神”。 但有这三位男臣的大小姐,就同等于借住了男神的力量,凡事都能逢凶化吉。

While time travel dramas (be it to the ancient times or future) may not be something new, 超時空男臣 which just ended its broadcast in Hong Kong last week, raved in ratings of 30 towards the ending few episodes. Having just binged-watch the drama for the last few days, the ending still has its lingering post-withdrawal syndromes on me.

“明朝三傻” – 袁崇焕/云大军 (大将军), 左光斗/冯一波 (侍郎), 李进忠/李小冬 (太监),和太子妃 (大明星汪以珊 )来到了现代,制造了不小笑话,但也和”凤鸣居”酒楼一家人成为了宾主关系和建立了友情。其中云大军 & 李小冬也分别和饰演大小姐方惠芝的田蕊妮和二小姐方惠玲的朱晨丽,谱出了跨时代恋曲。

剧中除了有高潮叠起的剧情,也有许多的欢笑和泪水。即便过了400年, 人性始终没有改变。这世上依旧会有贪图利益,不择手段的小人,但也会有肝胆相照, 讲义气的侠义之人。

当你以为这”明朝三傻”只是为了帮凤鸣居而在茶楼里帮忙20多集,那就错了。 他们会随着故事的延续而有所大变身,详细内容还是自己去看这部剧集吧。

“小李子”何广沛 , 应该是初尝爆红的滋味。萧正楠保养有术,依旧帅气,不像40岁。曹永廉也不像50几岁。三位男臣的组合很新鲜,也有许多令人欣喜的火花。

Am so going to miss 袁崇焕/云大军 & 大小姐,左光斗/冯一波 & 汪以珊/太子妃, 小冬 & 二小姐 & everyone from 凤鸣居..Oh yes and that “大海无量”.

You will love their love lines but at the same time, feel that there should be more to it…

So, please have a sequel so that we can have a better new ending!Read More →

What is your one wish, if it would be granted by the Water God?

While there are reviews that the drama is not living up to viewers’ expectations and its initial hype since it is often being compared with “Goblin”, fans of Nam Joo Hyuk, Krystal and Gong Myung would be delighted to see them donning pretty outfits that make them look like models on the fashion walkway.

While chemistry may be lacking in various forms between Nam Joo Hyuk and Shin Se Kyung, there is still much entertainment value in earlier episodes, especially when the divine Water God lost his powers in the mortal world and created a fool out of himself and the people around him. The bickering and chemistry between Krystal and Gong Myung is not to be missed.

Lim Ju Hwan’s acting as the main antagonist is pretty commendable as well.

Despite it being a not so engaging drama that couldn’t leave footprints in your heart even at the end of the 16 episodes, there are pretty funny and entertaining moments that we should give them credit for. I think it is still worth a watch if you need your fix of fantasy romance idol dramas and if you are a fan of any of the above cast.

Perhaps what they could have done was to strengthen the storyline and add on to some intensity with some CGI and fighting scenes, to make up for the lack of emotional engagement.
Read More →

“The Battleship Island” has started screening in cinemas on 17 August 2017. Have you watched or are you intending to watch this historical blockbuster? Be it watching for your favourite actors or wanting to know more about a dark page in history, your ticket money would be worth it. I am contemplating to brace myself to watch it a 2nd time. Prepare your tissues if you have more delicate tear glands.

With an A-List casting of Hwang Jung Min, So Ji Sub, Song Joong Ki, Lee Jung Hyun, Kim Su An and Award Winning Director Ryoo Seung Wan and a budget of US$21 million, we can almost be assured that the ticket box office sales will soar real high. The stars also made a trip to Singapore and Malaysia to promote this historical blockbuster. It shows how much emphasis the cast and crew place on this movie.

As expected, this movie would invite much controversy but what I would like to say is, it is a movie and not a documentary after all, thus entertainment value needs to be considered. More importantly, what the director and production crew hopes to do is to unravel a dark side of history that the world (including many Koreans) never knew. It is to relook into the past and learn from a new perspective, which can direct everyone to a better future.

The actors felt that we can all somehow relate to the happenings and would be touched by the story and also be aware that this actually happened in history. I feel this would also serve as a good lesson for the people in this generation that war would only bring harm to everyone else. There is no win-win situation when so many people have to suffer.

The trauma, atrocities, hardships, tortures, separations, deaths, sadness, betrayal, selflessness, selfishness and all forms of humanity could be seen from the movie.

I would say, the actors did a very great job.

The director also put in some joyful and heart-warming moments, creating some light heartedness within the inhuman living conditions of those on the island.

The one highlight of the movie would be the big escape plan and how the 400 Joseon workers helped one another. With war and escape plans would definitely bring about much bloodshed. However, “Unity is strength” indeed.

I am sure those who walked out of the cinema, would feel that their ticket money is worthwhile. You not only get to swoon at your favourite K-Actors but you also learn another lesson in history and it makes you appreciate more of what you have in the present and also to treasure your loved ones.

I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Remember to catch The Battleship Island while it is still screening!Read More →

This is definitely the most star studded and most anticipated movie promotion in 2017 with an entourage of Hwang Jung Min, So Ji Sub & Song Joong Ki.

Since the announcement of all 3 casts – Veteran Actor Hwang Jung Min, Charismatic actor So Ji Sub, Heartthrob Song Joong Ki and renowned Director Ryoo Seung Wan, to be gracing the Gala Premiere of “Battleship Island” in Singapore, the local fan scene on Sunny Island had literally turned into a replica of a mini “Battleship Island”. Thousands of fans pit their creativity and expended all ways and means to win access passes to the exclusive media press conference, Meet & Greet and Gala Premiere tickets.

After all, this would be the last time fans could see Song Joong Ki before he gets married in October. His marriage news did not dampen the spirits of his die heart fans and they thronged all 3 levels of Suntec City North Atrium and also lined the pave way outside the building.

The goom-to-be was glowing with radiance and had an aura of positive vibes and happiness all over him. So Ji Sub has a group of loyal fans who follow him for many years. He’s known to be a cool guy on the out-front but is a very warm guy who would pay attention to his fans.

It is the first time that award winning actor Hwang Jung Min and Director Ryoo Seung Wan to grace our shores. Hwang Jung Min is composed, has a good sense of humour and also shared very interesting insights that he gained in filming the movie.

The stars were pretty surprised by the turnout of 3,000 fervently screaming fans and expressed their gratitude for such an warm welcome. The stars took the effort to wave and acknowledge fans who were on Level 2 and 3, at the side and behind the stage as well.

Highlight of the night was when the confetti sprouted out of nowhere with a loud POP. Their expressions and reactions were priceless.

The promotions in SG had come to an end but we are pretty sure the Oppas would bring back with them fond and happy memories from their visit here.

Click on to read more on the Q&A session and the many pictures from the events!Read More →

每当你听到音乐过门和这句歌词 “她总是只留下电话号码,总不肯让我送她回家”, 你就会不经意得跟着哼唱和舞动摇摆。我们的童年和成长岁月里都会有至少一首草蜢的经典歌曲。

草蜢不愧是香港乐坛的”不老传说”,更是一支能32年屹立不倒的团体的榜样。到了50岁都还能面不改色地在台上蹦蹦跳跳, 载歌载舞,谈笑风声, 也很懂得逗乐台下的歌迷。 他们可谓是风彩依旧,活力四射,魅力不减当年。

他们在心态和体格上都保持得很 Fit,他们也在每场演唱会上不断的创新。 这其敬业的态度也很值得我们敬佩和赞赏。

百变的造型,新歌旧歌大放送, 经典舞曲重现,都让歌迷 High 翻天。观众给足面子, 3子也心情大好。这一来一往的互动就让整场演出的热力十足。

演唱会过后,歌迷不愿散场,还额外增加一首”永远爱着你”作为 Bonus。。。

草蜢,不只是乐坛的传说,更是深入民心的一股活力。Read More →