This review is dedicated to actor Ahn Bo Hyun who has made such a remarkable transformation to the multi-faceted villain in Itaewon Class.

It is impossible to hate the abhorrent yet pitiable Jang Geun Won. He reminded me of “The Joker”, who’s feared & loathed by many, but was never loved or needed by anyone. It isn’t just the body language or tone, but the most captivating is how he used his eyes to accentuate his acting. His preparation work and conscientious effort in perfecting every scene, has left the viewers in awe of the final product.

Indeed, opportunities belong to those who are well-prepared. This is definitely the turning point in Ahn Bo Hyun’s acting career.

We’ll analyze his character in greater depth and discuss some of our most memorable scenes! We hope this would reach out to more readers who would like to discover more about this underrated actor.

And yes, this article is especially dedicated to Ahn Bo Hyun as a birthday gift!
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“Itaewon Class” is lauded for being “more than just an ordinary revenge drama”. It denotes an inspiring story of the underdogs’ uphill climb to success and takes us on a self-exploration journey to work through limitless possibilities in life. The theme fuels motivation to conquer obstacles and striving harder to achieve your dreams. It surfaces ingrained societal problems and also “golden” quotes for us to reflect on.

“Freedom” and “Forgiveness” are the keywords that embody the theme of “Itaewon Class”. Letting go is an art of learning how to forgive not just others, but also yourself. You need to break free from the invisible chains holding you down, so that you can move on.

Some societal issues include discrimination against ex-convicts, foreigners and transgenders, dealing with Sociopaths, how the rich and influential abuse their authority to get pass the law.

The realistically multi-faceted and imperfect characters prove that there isn’t always a distinctive line between good and evil. Ahn Bo Hyun has changed my perspective on villainous characters being one-dimensional. He added much spice to the drama by portraying the dark but also vulnerable side of a villain.

“Seeking revenge” doesn’t mean having to degrade yourself or stoop to an unscrupulous level. It can inspire you to dream bigger and strive harder, retain your principles while achieving your goals.

Sae Royi is a symbol of the “underdogs’ fight against evil”. He showed us how imperative it is to better your knowledge, experience, learn from repeated failures, press on and work your way through.

My favourite quote: “Everyone is given the same amount of time. It is how we use it that defines who and how different we are.”

We have learnt that self-love includes knowing when to put yourself before others and we do not need anyone’s affirmation to be who we are. Giving up without a fight is one of the detrimental things we can do to ourselves.

Listen to your inner voice, have faith in yourself.

Never say never.

Join us on a meaningful self-exploration journey as we delve deeper into analyzing some of our favourite characters, discuss prevalent societal issues, draw inferences from the characters’ life lessons and share with you some of our favourite quotes.Read More →

续2017年推出大受欢迎的医疗剧<<浪漫医生金师傅>>后,台前幕后原班人马再度携手在2020年推出第二系列<<浪漫医生金师傅 2>>。





在这道德伦理沦丧,利益为首的时代,是否金钱和权威挂帅的世界才是王道? 许多事情都不在我们能掌握的范围,但我们该如何尽我们所能,克服种种困难? 我们所谓的正义,道德伦理,究竟是对或错? 或许在观看这部剧集的时候,你可以试试寻找答案。


小编比较喜欢续集,因为有许多人生哲理,很贴近我们的生活,更深入民心。虽然续集少了柳演锡和徐玄振,但很开心梁世宗回来客串一集。看见安孝燮和他在”30 but 17″之后再续戏缘,感觉很窝心。


– 现今社会欺凌的现象,如家庭暴力
– 玩办公室政治,欺凌,排挤,歧视,孤立”不入流”的个体
– 良性的竞争是动力,恶性的竞争使人偏离轨道
– 哪些事情是医生分内的事情? 哪些是因为怕承担后果而不敢进行?
– 如果一直逃避,习惯了逃避,一辈子都无法逃离任何地方。
– 前途 vs 心向往的地方
– 道德观念 VS 职业操守

医生的职责是无论病患的身分或地位,他们都得尽力救活他们。医生也和我们一样,有自身的道德观念和想法。他们是否应该只遵守守则,而不顾及病患和家属的感受? 医生的任何决定可以危机到病患的生死。在分秒必争的情况下,他们应该如何抉择才是双赢局面?

1) 脑死的病患捐献器官 – 医生是否应该干涉家属决定?
2) 在翻车事故后,你会选择逃离,还是会冒生命危险留下来抢救伤者?
3) 如果选择”尊严死”的病患,是医护人员熟悉的人,他们是否能遵守”约定”,或会为了私人理由干涉?

Dr. Romantic 2 让小编对生活和人生有更多不同层次的体会,希望这部剧也能温暖你的内心,也让你有所启发,继续奋斗。

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“Crash Landing on You” (CLOY) crashed in as the highest rated drama in TVN history, surpassing “Goblin” with a viewership rate of 23.249% for the final episode. It ended on an all-time high note, rendered viewers with mixed emotions of happy, poignant moments & “Post Drama Withdrawal Syndromes”.

A team of delectable stellar cast, star scriptwriter Park Ji-eun, North Korean Defector consultant, Kwak Moon Wan, make what is seemingly “impossible” into a “fantasy drama”.

Other than heartthrobs Hyun Bin & Son Ye Jin’s impeccable chemistry, the intense story line that causes you to grapple with fear of losing any of the characters, Se Ri’s self-exploration and healing journey with the accidental landing, Jeong Hyuk’s determination to not lose another person that he loves again, the wise quotes by Seung Joon that led to food-for-thought moments, Seo Dan’s 敢爱敢恨, the many hilarious and heart wrenching moments with the supporting characters, made the drama so much more captivating.

It isn’t merely the romance that melts your heart, but to a great extent how the relationships forged and 浓浓的人情味 that’s heartwarming.

CLOY’s theme revolves around “LOVE”.

It teaches one the meaning of self-love and loving others, to forget hurt and only remember people you love (and vice versa). There’s self-reflection on what is important to us, learn how to appreciate simple things in life and to show more care & concern to the ones we love.

No matter how tough life is, there is always a reason to smile. This smile is the answer to why we are pressing on. When there’s love, there’s hope.

While most would swoon over Jeong Hyuk & Se Ri’s love line, the budding romance between Seung Joon & Seo Dan grows on you over time.

It isn’t just about finding true love in times of adversity, but also forging unforgettable friendships with people they would never have known otherwise. We should all live each day to the fullest as if it is the last & tell the people we love how we really feel.

This drama has received much rave, but also backlash over sensitive political issues. North Korean defectors have complimented on how close the settings are to North Korea in reality, from frequent electricity cut off, kimchi caves, costumes, furnishings down right to the North Korean accent.

We could see the contrast in the leads’ respective lives, the environment they grew up and the circumstances which shaped their personality.

There is an interesting “role reversal” when they went to South Korea, where Jeong Hyuk became her “bodyguard”, with the 5th Infantry soldiers trying to adapt to cosmopolitan life. One would fondly recall the Jjimjilbang scenes and them trying to dress up like South Koreans with fake branded clothing.

We meet the people we meet for a reason. They found true love and healed each other in the process.

What we learnt from Jeong Hyuk is that we should always 从日常生活中,寻找那些小小的幸福。

Karma goes one round to teach Se Ri a life lesson about love, sacrifice, friendships and not to take simple things for granted. She never knew how fortunate she was before this predicament.

The love line between a conman & a proud, rich girl is not unheard of, but we love the 2nd love line so much that we wished they had more screen time together.

You will undeniably grow fonder of Seung Joon , so much so that you might have teared a little after knowing what he has gone through.

He’s one with the wits and wisdom, especially when it comes to giving love advice to Seo Dan. Seung joon reassured that she is a capable & attractive lady who is deserving of love no less, even if Jeong Hyuk loves another. We should remember, that we are all worthy to be loved.

Good things don’t come easy. You will learn to fight for it and appreciate them more. We witnessed how they gradually opened up to each other, with Seung Joon wanting to become a better person, in order to be worthy of her.

CLOY is no doubt a big scale production, from overseas filming in Switzerland and Mongolia, to having so many supporting actors. Be it the villains, 5th Infantry guys, village ajummas, Seo Dan and Se Ri’s comical family members, big name cameos like Kim Soo Hyun and Choi Ji Woo, the drama would not be as intense, exciting and “flavourful” without them.

The village ajummas did a great job in throwing us into fits of laughter. They may seem mean at first, but they are kind-hearted and would help anyone in need.

While the ending for some characters is less than satisfying, these 16 ep of “paragliding” experience with Se Ri, all cast and crew involved in “Crash Landing On You” have brought us an emotional roller coaster ride filled with much joy, warmth, solace and some tear-jerking, heartbreaking moments.

We learn that we need to be strong and believe in ourselves. If we have enough faith, we will ultimately meet the people we wish to meet again, someday.

It is a wonderful drama that has crashed deep right into our hearts and will remain deeply embedded in the many years to come.Read More →

若2018年的”圣所1.0″是一大”盛举”,那”圣所2.0″就是为JJ 林俊杰写下更多的”创举”和重要”里程碑”的辉煌诗篇。

JJ在2019年更是再次打破记录,创造了更多的”第一次”。这除了是JJ首度在新加坡国家体育场办演唱会,他也是在这里连办2场演唱会的第一位华人歌手! 之前成功办2场个唱的还有天团 Coldplay 和 U2.



那嘹亮的歌声具有穿透力,环绕整个体育场,是最佳的 surround sound system. 因为状态堪佳, JJ的音准极近Pitch Perfect,飙高音时也似乎不费吹灰之力,整个人很有能量。



Because it was a homecoming for JJ Lin, 来自家乡的热情和暖意整夜都在空气中弥漫着。 谁说新加坡人一点都不热情? 我们自有表达热情的方式。

歌迷们在台下摇曳着精心准备的卡片,就是想告诉JJ “Welcome Home Lah, 永远是一家人”。这既简单又温馨的表达方式,JJ 看在眼里,暖在心里。

Home is truly where his heart is at. Home is where he could be at so at ease and unassuming on stage. He could speak freely and make all sorts of jokes which he needn’t worry if anyone would understand.


弹奏乐器就是创作歌手最佳的武器和魅力。那收放自如,随性的弹奏,极其优美和柔和的高音,就像一阵微风掠过你心里。 这就是沉浸沉醉在大合唱的氛围。

他也说”Music is my only escape. It’s how i keep a record of my life, on what i go thru.. ” 一个人在外打拼,难免会有觉得孤独和沮丧的时候,而音乐就是JJ最好的寄托。

酷炫壮观的舞台,搭配灯光视觉效果,让人有身临其境的感觉。时而有云雾,时而有彩虹,还有荧光粉红色,雨伞形状的 “Jellyfish”在”飘浮”着。



值得一提的是, JJ 依然不忘展现他的 “Rocker 魂”,为大家带来一连串的轻快组曲如 <>, <<因你而在>>, <<丹宁执著>>,把现场气氛炒热, 带入另一波高潮。


JJ 化身林老师,语重心长地分享了一个人在外国打拼16年的感想。 不管我们怎么去准备或规划人生,”计划永远都赶不上变化”。尽管阻碍再多,劝阻的声浪不断,只要自己不放弃,用正面的态度面对,没有什么事情是不能一一去克服的。

调皮的林老师一时兴起,开始和大家解说如何运用新加坡惯用的”Singlish”. “Lah”, “Leh”, “Lor”, “Meh”, 是我们日常里的语助词,但JJ的详细解说和例子简直是太棒了!

在娱乐圈打滚了16年,有起也有落。他是新加坡的骄傲,为下一代的年轻人铺了路。他的成功励志奋斗史 ,会对许多怀抱音乐梦想的年轻人起着鼓舞的作用。



You will always be our pride!Read More →