




就让我们再次体会和情歌天后谈论爱情的过程,历经所有情绪上的起伏,见证各自在爱情里的起承转合。Read More →


由于上一场举办的”A-Link with Passengers”引起热烈回响和好口碑,许多观众便不停敲碗,希望能举办 Encore 场。

于是 A-Lin这回带来全球限量的”重磅升级版 “,为的就是回馈大家对她的喜爱与支持。



让我们再一同重温当天的点点滴滴。Read More →



除了是一个重要的里程碑,首首让回忆在脑海里, 心里盘旋, 翻滚着的经典情歌和舞曲,还有向天王天后致敬的经典K 歌,可谓是听出耳油。

抛开了之前演唱会所有的华丽服装和舞台设计,这次选择较小,但离观众更近的场地。丁当以比较随性, 舒服的 Live Band 形式, 最直接地呈现她的演出。

收起了所谓的”视觉效果”, 现场观众更能专注于她的歌声, 带来的温暖和震撼。


舞者是用身体说故事,而歌手最强的武器就是利用他们的歌声, 叙说着许多你我都经历过的喜怒哀乐,有共鸣的故事。





歌单里还包括了想恋一个爱,夜猫,恋爱ing, 手掌心, 有一种勇气叫放弃,你为什说谎, 只是不够爱自己, 猜不透, Di Da Di, 离家出走, 花火,可以不可以, 我是一只小小鸟,原来你都在,勇敢一次,很爱过一个人,我爱他,洋葱,好难得,一样的月光,还有向几位天王天后致敬的歌曲,如 JJ 的”修炼爱情”, 阿妹的”记得”,萧敬腾的”王妃”。


她也毫无预警的把 Kit 陈洁仪从观众席拉上了舞台!


就像是当机后 Reboot 的回忆涌现,可说是无比清晰。


“一样的月光”,和”王妃”简直是当晚的”重头戏”, 是足以震破屋顶的等级。



谢谢丁当让我们在经历失恋的痛苦和无助时, 有能抒发自己的悲伤的官道。


不只是她对歌唱的热爱,歌迷对她的爱, 还包含了大众们对她歌曲的热爱。

大家就和丁当一起乘坐时光机,来一趟回忆之旅吧。Read More →

Rejoice, Backstreet Boys fans! Nick Cater just announced that they are working on their new album & will be taking on a new World Tour soon!

“I don’t care, who you are, where you’re from, what you did, as long as you love me”…

If you find yourself singing along to these lyrics instantaneously, there’s no denying we are from the same era. We are fortunate to grow up with some of the finest Boybands’ songs.

The “Golden Era of Boybands” that belonged to Take That, Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, Westlife and so many more…

24 years it’s been and they definitely have got it goin’ on.

20,000 tickets were snapped up in a flash for more than a good reason.

Walking down memory lane to reminisce “Yesteryears once more” has never been more fun & enjoyable. It’s like a high school reunion party. You knew exactly when to join in for the lyrics when they threw the mic out at you.

Growing up and aging is an inevitable process, but what better way to celebrate this graceful journey together with these 5 men & their adoring fans?

You had “permission” to just go wild, shriek to your lungs’ contentment, singing, grooving & dancing along to the most popular boyband of all time.

Nostalgia at its very best.

AJ Mclean, Brian Littrell, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson & Nick Carter may have dad bods now, but that did not take away their glamour on stage.

Don’t all 90s boybands have synchronised dance moves?

They were either decked in leather or diamante jackets, doing their famous synchronised old-school dance moves such as the “Zombie Dance” during “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, reviving the Folding Chair Dance during “As Long As You Love Me”, lifting their index finger when they sang this line “You are my fire, the ONE desire” during “I Want it That Way”. Swaying their mic stands during ballads such as “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, was also an iconic 90s boyband stance.

We don’t mind a layer of “cheese” added to their dance moves.

Good ol’ cheese tastes oh so good.

You’d been blown away by their LIVE singing, despite Brian’s medical condition with his vocal cord. They could harmonise so well, sapping all the fans’ energy, attention and affection in an instant.

The guys weaved their ways into fans’ hearts effortlessly with all the sweet nothings, such as Nick’s “We love each and every one of you”, “We Love you so much, Thanks for being the best fans in the entire world!”, & Howie’s “Thank You for keeping the Backstreet pride alive!”

The concert set list was a replica of their Las Vegas Tour, with 20 classics such as “Larger than Life”, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, “We’ve Got It Going On”, “Drowning”, “Incomplete”, “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely”, “I’ll Never Break Your Heart”, “Quit Playing Games with My Heart”, “As Long As You Love Me”, “I Want It That Way” & “More Than That”.

As they belted out their classic hits & award charting ballads, memories flooded your mind and it just tugged at your heartstrings.

It’s easy to resonate with at least one BSB song since your adolescent years. Lyrics would just come out of your mouth automatically, as if they were ingrained in your hearts.

They have moved along with the times pretty well and will continue to do so as a mainstream boy/men band.

With the legions of loyal fans around the globe, it’s almost a guarantee that their next album and concert tour will sell like hotcakes.

BSB fans are not ready to let them go, as yet.

Growing old is sweeter with them around.

Backstreet’s Back, Alright!

Keep rocking, Guys!

We want it that way!
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