There are undoubtedly regrettable moments in our lives, which we hope of having 2nd chances to make things right.

What would you do if you were bestowed a 2nd chance in life, with prior knowledge on what’s going to happen in the future?

Would you attempt to change the course of your personal life and your loved ones’ lives?

“Again My Life” is another Lee Joon Gi drama that sets high bars on setting you on the edge of your seats with cliffhangers, exciting action scenes and exemplary acting skills.

Join Hee Woo, a young promising prosecutor gets a 2nd chance at seeking revenge against a corrupted politician through this time traveling revenge fantasy journey.

It’s bound to keep you hooked while reflecting over what 2nd chances, justice, priorities mean to you.

While we can’t control what life deals us with, it is how we choose to react or approach difficult situations, that will determine our future.

The world can never be fair. It will always exist in its imperfect form, but it’s how we all find ways to survive and stay firm to our faith.
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“Crash Landing on You” (CLOY) crashed in as the highest rated drama in TVN history, surpassing “Goblin” with a viewership rate of 23.249% for the final episode. It ended on an all-time high note, rendered viewers with mixed emotions of happy, poignant moments & “Post Drama Withdrawal Syndromes”.

A team of delectable stellar cast, star scriptwriter Park Ji-eun, North Korean Defector consultant, Kwak Moon Wan, make what is seemingly “impossible” into a “fantasy drama”.

Other than heartthrobs Hyun Bin & Son Ye Jin’s impeccable chemistry, the intense story line that causes you to grapple with fear of losing any of the characters, Se Ri’s self-exploration and healing journey with the accidental landing, Jeong Hyuk’s determination to not lose another person that he loves again, the wise quotes by Seung Joon that led to food-for-thought moments, Seo Dan’s 敢爱敢恨, the many hilarious and heart wrenching moments with the supporting characters, made the drama so much more captivating.

It isn’t merely the romance that melts your heart, but to a great extent how the relationships forged and 浓浓的人情味 that’s heartwarming.

CLOY’s theme revolves around “LOVE”.

It teaches one the meaning of self-love and loving others, to forget hurt and only remember people you love (and vice versa). There’s self-reflection on what is important to us, learn how to appreciate simple things in life and to show more care & concern to the ones we love.

No matter how tough life is, there is always a reason to smile. This smile is the answer to why we are pressing on. When there’s love, there’s hope.

While most would swoon over Jeong Hyuk & Se Ri’s love line, the budding romance between Seung Joon & Seo Dan grows on you over time.

It isn’t just about finding true love in times of adversity, but also forging unforgettable friendships with people they would never have known otherwise. We should all live each day to the fullest as if it is the last & tell the people we love how we really feel.

This drama has received much rave, but also backlash over sensitive political issues. North Korean defectors have complimented on how close the settings are to North Korea in reality, from frequent electricity cut off, kimchi caves, costumes, furnishings down right to the North Korean accent.

We could see the contrast in the leads’ respective lives, the environment they grew up and the circumstances which shaped their personality.

There is an interesting “role reversal” when they went to South Korea, where Jeong Hyuk became her “bodyguard”, with the 5th Infantry soldiers trying to adapt to cosmopolitan life. One would fondly recall the Jjimjilbang scenes and them trying to dress up like South Koreans with fake branded clothing.

We meet the people we meet for a reason. They found true love and healed each other in the process.

What we learnt from Jeong Hyuk is that we should always 从日常生活中,寻找那些小小的幸福。

Karma goes one round to teach Se Ri a life lesson about love, sacrifice, friendships and not to take simple things for granted. She never knew how fortunate she was before this predicament.

The love line between a conman & a proud, rich girl is not unheard of, but we love the 2nd love line so much that we wished they had more screen time together.

You will undeniably grow fonder of Seung Joon , so much so that you might have teared a little after knowing what he has gone through.

He’s one with the wits and wisdom, especially when it comes to giving love advice to Seo Dan. Seung joon reassured that she is a capable & attractive lady who is deserving of love no less, even if Jeong Hyuk loves another. We should remember, that we are all worthy to be loved.

Good things don’t come easy. You will learn to fight for it and appreciate them more. We witnessed how they gradually opened up to each other, with Seung Joon wanting to become a better person, in order to be worthy of her.

CLOY is no doubt a big scale production, from overseas filming in Switzerland and Mongolia, to having so many supporting actors. Be it the villains, 5th Infantry guys, village ajummas, Seo Dan and Se Ri’s comical family members, big name cameos like Kim Soo Hyun and Choi Ji Woo, the drama would not be as intense, exciting and “flavourful” without them.

The village ajummas did a great job in throwing us into fits of laughter. They may seem mean at first, but they are kind-hearted and would help anyone in need.

While the ending for some characters is less than satisfying, these 16 ep of “paragliding” experience with Se Ri, all cast and crew involved in “Crash Landing On You” have brought us an emotional roller coaster ride filled with much joy, warmth, solace and some tear-jerking, heartbreaking moments.

We learn that we need to be strong and believe in ourselves. If we have enough faith, we will ultimately meet the people we wish to meet again, someday.

It is a wonderful drama that has crashed deep right into our hearts and will remain deeply embedded in the many years to come.Read More →

“比起抓着不放, 放手需要更大的决心。” – 小编最喜欢的经典名言


除了期待IU的百变造型(133套装发 – 应该是史上最多) 和时尚风, 观众也可以期待特效制造出来的惊悚元素, 主角和配角们精湛的演技,扣人心弦的故事情节和细腻的情感呈现。IU & 吕珍九的好人缘也令许多大咖级人马的客串演出,让这部剧集更加星光璀璨。


Audience can expect a world of fantasy & horror, waiting to be unraveled. It is a concoction of “The Master’s Sun”, “Goblin” and “第八号当铺”。 You would be intrigued to discover more about the sad stories that everyone brings.

While there are times when the better good such as forgiving and letting go, better appreciating and cherishing who and what we have in our lives would warm us, the ugly side of human nature such as resentment, hate, greed and selfishness would manifest themselves in many ways. Some short stories would be etched in your mind, but none would be as captivating as the strong bond of the hotel cast.

There are many “food for thought” moments, such as looking into societal problems like how cyber bullying can lead to dire consequences, how the suffering of sex tape victims remind us of the recent sex tape saga and how what we see may not be the reality.

Like some would put it, “Hotel Del Luna” is not so much about life and death and what happens in the afterlife. It is more about embracing the good, the bad, evil side of human nature, about finding love, peace, seeking forgiveness, cherishing people around you and living life to the fullest.

The Hong Sisters make a very good linkage between the mini stories to the bigger events or moral of the story till the very last scene. 整部剧集很有连贯性,而这类拍摄手法能够把观众带回之前的集数, 再重新思考一次。



因为早已预知结局,他们的爱情慢慢地因为了解而萌芽。因为早已有共识,所以也不会过于煽情。有些爱,无法长相思守, 但会永存在你心里。


They part with the belief that they would meet again.

It’s this faith that keeps the audience going too and approving that this would be the most apt ending for both Man Wol and Chan Sung, in this lifetime at least.

大致上,演员们都能掌握自己角色的细腻情感。这的确是很适合 IU 的角色,吕珍九也很能抓住观众的心。他从童星到现在,演技一天比一天纯熟。他们之间的眼神交流也是很有 Feel。

How fascinating the world of Del Luna is to a human like Chan Sung. He’s like “Alice in Wonderland” , having new things to explore everyday and plays a huge part in unraveling Man Wol’s past, which also intrigues him to want to know more about her.

From the scary makeup of the various ghosts to how the hotel transformed from a torn-down building to a castle-like building at night, looks like one that belongs to a Disney Princess. 每一集都会有一段酒店宾客的”小故事”。有些会令你额外有印象,因为它们特别引人深思,让你感慨万千。整部剧集想带过的一点就是,要放过自己,就要懂得如何宽恕他人,原谅自己。

What we see, what we thought we knew and reality can be very different.


念力是股强大的力量。You attract what you Think”. 强烈的怨念能够毁灭一个人,也能伤害许多周遭无辜的人。这也是现今社会问题。许多人在面对生活压力无处发泄,就会在网路的世界寻找一些慰寄。但有许多网民很多时候不负责任的胡乱谩骂,也导致了许多人踏上自杀的不归路。

结局篇的节奏其实有点”赶”, 因为要送走酒店的所有职员,满月和让粲星有个 Closure. 客房主管&满月带来无数的安慰,所以她们两的离别戏会比较动人。终于理解,并不是报仇雪恨就能令自己过得更加快乐。真正放下才是对自己最大的宽恕。把所有的员工都送走之后,空无一人的酒店,有种空荡荡,凄凉的忧伤。


Yeo Jin Goo has never disappointed the audience since he was a child actor. 粲星不管对待任何人都是那么的亲切友善。也因为他的真诚,温暖,爱,对满月起了好的作用。月之树开始花开花谢,满月也渐渐被她感化,展现柔弱和好的一面。


从来并不觉得IU是演技派,但这部剧能说是让她散发自然演技的机会。或许就像洪氏姐妹说的,张满月一角似乎是为她量身而定做,非她莫属。From 傲慢,刁蛮,小气,霸气十足 to the look of angst and hate in her eyes, blooming with love and sorrow at the same time, were some of the complicated emotions that she successfully portrayed.

Lee Do Hyun’s another young actor with potential. We have seen him in “30 but 17” & “Cleaning with Passion”, but he only garnered audience’s attention in “Hotel Del Luna”. 虽然P.O的演技备受争议,但贤重和宥娜的甜蜜爱情的萌芽,会让人想起初恋的时刻。观众也很清楚他们之间的爱情无法长久,但就是这种酸甜的滋味才称得上是两小无猜的初恋情怀。


粲星问为何麻姑神就不能以好的面貌出现来帮助需要的灵魂? 她的答复是,如果以大家想要的面貌出现,又有谁会真正在意呢?




Hotel Del Luna 不仅仅是部悬疑,惊悚,喜剧爱情偶像剧。


Start living your life now, if you haven’t.

Hotel Del Luna may have ended its chapter, but its legacy will be etched in our hearts.
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This drama is pretty well paced, exhilarating, shows many futuristic elements, coupled with some surprising twists and turns. There are sweet and endearing moments but also heartbreaking instances and cold hard truths that we have to experience as part of life’s journey. It gives us many life lessons about handling interpersonal relationships, holding close what’s dear to us, how destructive human greed can be and how we have always neglected people around us.

This drama’s theme is very much about love & acceptance. We always talk about loving and accepting people for who they really are, even when they are so diversely different. Would it have been any different to show our love and acceptance towards Artificial Intelligent (A.I) Robots?

While many may be driven by greed and ambition, which leads them to a destructive mode or even irredeemable state, some are driven by love and acceptance to be who they really are and to do good.

The drama started off with a pace quick enough to keep you entertained while anticipating subsequent episodes. You wonder how Namshin could avoid being tracked down, how could the Robot Namshin III act like the real McCoy without having his cover blown & all the conspiracies that were brewing within.

We love the “interpersonal” relationships that Namshin III has forged or helped Namshin to do “damage repair”, and how the 2 Namshins had to go through much ordeal when one wants to co-exist but the other wants to be the 1 and only Namshin.

Why do we FEEL so much for Namshin III?

He was created as a “replacement” for Laura Oh’s human son, Namshin. 他只是为了精神寄托,而制造和设定出来的。It feels sad whenever he has this yearning look when his mum shows favouritism, especially when he asked his mum if he is not her son anymore, just because he doesn’t behave like the real Namshin?

He would never say no to his mum, even if he knew that he would be abandoned someday. He just wanted to be “useful” and “helpful”; otherwise it defeats the purpose of his existence.

He’s more thoughtful than Namshin, since he’s observant and would buy medication for his mum when she has a migraine. He could even tell she was lying without his lie detector on anymore. That’s how he evolves by studying and observing the environment and people around him, he could tell from their minor expressions and body language.

Over time, he would only listen to So Bong as she is the only one who accepts him for who he really is and sees him as an unique individual. He often said that he may understand what people say, but he would not be able to experience those feelings himself. The saddest was when, he wanted to cry like a human being, but he just couldn’t.

H e shouldn’t feel any emotions and he supposedly couldn’t but many a times, he proved that he has his own persona. He’s able to DIFFERENTIATE on his own, what the things he should or should not do are and IF he wanted to do it. There came this powerful force called “Love” that overwrites his programming. It is similar to how human beings learn about their feelings too.

He is self-aware and seeks affirmation that he’s being liked and needed. You can also sense his compassion, love, jealousy and sadness many a times too.
That’s already being human.

I like the intricate details that Seo Kang Joon puts in to distinguish the 2 Namshins. How effortless it seems for him to do the switch instantaneously. It’s not an easy job to act with “less expressions” since he is a robot, yet his actions need to prove that he genuinely cared.

He not just has to act as a robot and a human, but also a robot who’s acting like the human Namshin. That’s something on a deeper level. How the look in his eyes went a little blurry, 善良, innocent or what we call the “puppy eyes”, would show that he is Namshin III and how when he has this sharp glare or anguish look in his eyes, with that smirk on his face or snarky look, would mean that he is human Namshin.

Namshin is full of himself, has a terrible attitude, filled with hatred and so lack of love. However, there are times you could see beyond his pain & anger. You can rationalise his “irrational” and “bratty” behaviours.

Namshin has the absolute right to be angry. It is understandable that he may go through extreme measures to “secure” his position.

It is an act of self doubt, self-defence and lack of confidence.

If only he did not continue to wallow in self-pity, things might have changed for the better.

We can feel the pain in both Namshins. They are just little boys who yearn for their mum’s love.

It felt like a relief when Namshin III could announce to the world that he is a robot and what impressive things and good deeds he has done. He wants to co-exist with human beings, doesn’t have to fear that people will discover his identity anymore. We always wanted to just be who we really are and hope that others can accept us for being ourselves too.

A robot-human romance is TOTALLY viable in this drama.

Obviously So Bong would be confused after being with him 24/7, even Young Hoon, who’s closest to Namshin also waivered. Namshin III also treated Namshin’s little cousin Hee Dong with much care and affection that the little kid could TELL he is not his real cousin.

He’s like your Superhero boyfriend – Iron Man to be exact.

He could stop traffic light, piggyback you without ever feeling tired, stop cars with his bare hands, save you from a burning building, manipulate anything that’s to do with technology & protect you from harm. The way he looks at So Bong affectionately, fusses over her, rushes to her rescue and gets jealous, is just so “human”. It also evokes laughter when he kept having “imaginary hallucinations” when he misses So Bong.

He could be dense, but he learns how to make his loved ones happy.

The ever so kind and pure Namshin III went “bersek” and stared inflicting harm on people who love him, including So Bong and CEO Nam, when he was controlled via manual mode by Namshin. He was so afraid that he would harm human beings that he told So Bong to stay far away.
Namshin III would rather destroy himself than to harm others.

The times when So Bong told Namshin III that she hoped he is human and when Namshin III asked if things would be better if he were a real human, were heartbreaking.

She became the one who he opened his “heart” to. They remained steadfast to each other. They were protective, would comfort and go the extra mile to ensure each other is okay. She could almost always tell both Namshins apart, except when Namshin “pranked” her by acting like Namshin III.

The rude shock she had when she went into the auditorium to tell Namshin III that she likes him (not realising he is Namshin) and wanted to take him away from all humans trying to harm him, was impactful.

2 persons may look alike, but it is how they are at heart, that sets them apart.

It’s like a prelude that Laura would be torn between her 2 sons ultimately. We know that Namshin is a very rebellious and spoil brat. He would not be forgiving towards a mum who has abandoned him for 20 years.

While she may have thought that she didn’t feel for Namshin III, which mother could ever sacrifice her children, be it by birth or by creation?

While I understand where Young Joon is coming from by embracing ALL bad things that Namshin has done, it seems incredible as to how he can have such high tolerance level and is oblivious to all temptations. What we do know is, he truly cares for Namshin like a little brother.

I pity Ye Na, despite the wilful & awful things she did to Namshin III & So Bong. Being possessive and trying all ways and means to win the heart of Namshin for 20 years but failed to do so, would not do her any good.

She was being delusional, but she has always been on Namshin’s side and this over-indulgence made things worse. It’s only towards the end when she felt that she needed to do what’s right so that she could save Namshin.

CEO Nam & Seo Yong Gil are the biggest villains. Both are driven by immense greed and ambitions, trying to outdo each other, in a world where victory belongs to “survival of the fittest”.

It may be karma that CEO Nam eventually got played by his own prank that he really had dementia, but I wasn’t going to empathise how he could do such things to his son & grandson.

As for Yong Gil, his quest to protect his position and to wanting something more, which means owning the entire PK Group, eventually leads to a road of no return.

There was this scene when So Bong’s dad disagreed when Namshin III said that he would never have a change of heart. Since he is learning to become human, he may also have a change of heart some day.

Namshin III is constantly evolving and we have no idea if So Bong would be tired of him some day too. It’s common to have breakups if it doesn’t ultimately work towards marriage, which is definitely not so viable for them.

It is probably towards the end that we realise So Bong’s love for him would not likely change, that have us feeling more relieved.

Why think so deep into the future when we should live in the moment?

It’s just like what So Bong’s dad said, “Love and hate to your heart’s content, so that you won’t regret later”.

Come what may, I’m sure that’s what our lead couple would say.

We should just cherish the present.Read More →

Supernatural/paranormal/fantasy dramas have been receiving much love from viewers worldwide. Some examples include “My Love from the Star”, “Goblin”, “Legend of the Blue Sea”, “Korean Odyssey”.

Ever since the overwhelming success of “The Master’s Sun”, we face a shortage of Suspense-Thriller-Rom-Coms with a tinge of dark humour (that grip your hearts). There were probably a few attempts, but none really satisfied that innate desire like “Master’s Sun” did. “Lovely Horribly” is a combination of “Master’s Sun” and “W- Two Worlds”, where it has defined its unique genre.

You would be intrigued to find out more from the very 1st episode, with many mysteries & questions waiting to be unraveled. It has a mixture of ill-fated destiny, ghosts, unknown powers of the supernatural, zero-sum romance, thriller, suspense, comedy, and how eerily that tragic events in the script would eventually become reality.

The one element that makes this drama stand out is the zero-sum fate of our lead couple.

It piques your interest to want to find out if it were the supernatural forces, ill fated destiny, or humans who caused this “zero-sum” fate.

They are polar opposites – when one is enjoying all the success, luck, happiness in life, the other would be extremely down on luck and be plagued with misfortunes.

How should these 2 persons co-exist then? If only 1 between the 2 can live on, who will it be?

The initial 7 to 10 ep were fast-paced and full of suspense. However, it fails to live up to its expectations for the last few episodes. Viewers may start to get weary after the story begins to unravel and you kind of know where the plot is leading you to.

Many characters in the drama harbour dark secrets and have their own agenda. It makes you wonder, if the unknown like supernatural beings are scarier than human beings or vice versa. As you age, you would fear for the safety of your loved ones more than other things.

The great CGI and sound effects attribute to how the drama has managed to grip audience’s interest. The “tock tock” sounds of the high heels, the landslide, murder cases, errie music and dark runways were all portrayed very well. I watched 80% of this drama during wee hours and it is so SHIOK, since it was packed with mysterious and eerie elements, and many bizarre happenings left you lingering for more. You would applaud at how they could all link one seemingly small scene to big incidents.

It’s cute watching how these 2 loggerheads bicker and slowly fell in love with each other. The chemistry is there but not compelling enough to make you totally believe the “I will die for you” rationale.

I love the funny interactions whereby Eul Soon would always be Philip’s life savior, be it during the “stabbing” incident, landslide and many more, where he would clutch on to her and find ways to make her stay around till the end of the drama filming. The one scene that Philip trimmed Eul Soon’s messy hair for her would send ripples through your heart.

It seems that Park Si Hoo is a little restrained in expressing the role. I can’t feel the depth of his love for Eul Soon as compared to Eun Soon’s love and sacrifices for him. There isn’t much 发挥空间 for him, except to add some comedic elements.

Song Ji Hyo has always been a natural and versatile actress, since “Wishing Stairs”, “Princess Hours” and “Emergency Couple”. She has the good looks, intelligence, wittiness and the ability to act with her heart.

She had messy hair, no makeup on for half the drama, had the worst of luck, no true friends or family members with her. From time to time, your heart would cringe when you see how sad her life has been and some of the flash backs with her foster mother.

This drama wouldn’t have kept up to its good raves and exciting pace without the help of the supporting roles.

Jang Young Nam was the key person to link through the story. As a mum to both of them (birth mother and foster mother), we see how she sacrificed for her children and took pains to make sure both of them would be safe, whether she was alive or dead.

Lee Ki Gwang’s role as Lee Sung Joong, a PD who has a hidden ability to see ghosts is a good addition. He’s Eul Soon’s “Black Knight” – the one who will always support her and catch her back whenever things happen.

Eun Jung always has her way in making her 坏女人 roles very convincing. She does irritate the hell out of you as someone who is over possessive over the man she loves and would do anything for him. She did not feel a tinge of remorse or guilt for what she has done in the name of “love”. We feel that she has a lot of potential to unleash in future works.

You would dislike Choi Yeo Jin in this drama. All the unscrupulous things that Eun Young would do to succeed would make you cringe. I also like the last few episodes where she “sold” her soul in order to be able to write better than Eul Soon.

I like how Ji Seung hyun depicted his character as a group mate who turned jealous and sour over Philip’s success and felt that Philip was responsible for the plight he is in.

Isn’t this mentality just so true to everyday life?

It’s always easier to blame others for the “plight” that you are in, than to really seek inner answers, which you already have.

There was one scene in Ep 6 which had very meaningful quotes and life philosophies.


Human beings often ttribute whatever that has happened (that’s beyond our logical thinking) to a coincidence or destiny.

It is like a “butterfly effect” in life. When you make a conscious decision, it will affect how things will eventually fold out. If you chose to do something differently, the end result would have been different as well.

Love comes in all forms and magnitudes. It’s natural that we feel unfair if we love someone more than they love us, because we would end up the ones making more sacrifices in the end. This would lead you into doubting the other party’s love for you.

Such is love. It cannot be seen, can never be balanced at a 50:50 ratio, and may change any time. Too much possessiveness not just brings about destruction to others, but also to you.We need to learn to let go at times, when we feel that we couldn’t take it anymore.

It’s just that we never realised how strong we all are, till being strong is the only way.

To sum it up, if you enjoy some thrills and even chills along the way when chasing a drama, loves to also laugh out loud at rom-coms and have an investigative desire to solve mysteries, this is certainly one drama worth watching.

It still remains exciting till the very end, just that you would have satisfied most, if not all of your curiosity by then.Read More →