

事过境迁,”传说”再现后,变得悠然自得,皆因他们见过”世界最美的风景”。他们是2000年代表性的台湾天团 – 5566。




首首动听的经典歌曲,寒暄,没”营养”的谈话内容,和那诚意满满的舞台设计,编曲,runway,以及载歌载舞,都令8000粉丝始终热情。 这是场甘中带苦,苦中带甜,感激,感谢和感慨,非常得来不易的演唱会。



拼了命的演出,不只是为了”赌一口气”,而是为了让默默等待和守候他们多年的歌迷,创造一个新的回忆。 就像歌迷手上的边幅写着,”我们一起再创 memories”.. 除了岁数和小小的身形变化,在个性上就是变得更沉稳,成熟,更有歌迷的心,但也不失那幽默和调侃的功力。





虽然他们偶尔会落拍或在音准上没那么完美,但比想像中好很多。毕竟那么多年没上舞台表演,还要30几40岁的他们跳舞,其实是挺考验体力和耐力的。仁甫的声线依然保持着那柔和清澈的水准。协志依然帅气,颜值能力压许多20几岁的”小鲜肉”。孟哲 is at his prime age, 所以是长得最好看的时期了。

很喜欢这次的舞台设计,尤其是那环绕360度的跑道。制作团队也在舞台的灯光效果下足了心思,有倾斜的”5566″LED 灯泡. 他们精心地为一些歌曲重新编曲。更欣慰的是看见蓝波老师仍和他们并肩作战。


他们自娱自夸的能力也不是盖的。这群人一向都不走偶像路线,而是搞笑亲民的谐星路线,不按牌理出牌,没偶包, 所以总能让人捧腹大笑。你的潜意识会把他们的出现和”带来欢乐”画上等号。


仁甫逗趣地问歌迷们,如过他们60岁还在跳”神话”,粉丝是会欢呼还是会笑? 孟哲开玩笑说歌迷应该会连署不要他们跳”神话”,因为担心他们的骨头会散。其实不难想像他们到时的模样。舞姿应该就像是在做复建,而且一定跑拍。=P 仁甫感性地补了一句: “我们的开始有你们。。接下来的每一天也要有你们。”

56依然在台上活蹦乱跳,散发着 Happy Virus. 很喜欢他们精心准备的一连流行组曲。他们巧妙地运用环绕舞台和歌迷近距离接触,炒热气氛。看到他们现在眼里都闪烁着发自内心的喜悦,那也就是我们身为粉丝的慰藉。

看着大家摇曳着的边幅印着 “我们再一起再创 memories”, 全场亮起白色的手机灯变成一片白色灯海和星空,齐声合唱,一阵暖意钻进心底,泪珠在眼眶里打转着。 或许我们是他们见过最美的风景,因为任凭时光飞逝,那份爱始终存在着。 他们犹如”白色花漾”的旋律一样动听,永远是我们青春里的一首经典歌曲。



仁甫依然”疯疯癫癫”,蹦蹦跳跳,就像时间不曾流逝一样。处女座的仁甫对工作一直都是秉持着”认真”的态度。 因为能重回舞台,于是献唱了一首”Thank You for Loving Me” 献给所有的粉丝们,还在荧幕上投影着许多和歌迷从以前至今的合照。

“赌一口气”就是56的slogan。 仁甫希望在女儿心里,爸爸和BTS一样帅气。以处女座龟毛且不服输的个性, 仁甫还是硬着头皮把所有的精力投入在这一段舞蹈。只要用恒心和毅力,他还是能克服一切障碍,把事情做好。口才一流的仁甫苦说还是歌迷最好,不论他是什么身形,都不会唾弃他,依然那么支持他。


双鱼天生浪漫,却也多愁善感。 身为团长的协志,以前老是被团员嫌爱”碎碎念”。但时隔多年,能听他语重心长地娓娓道出这些年来的大起大落,你不得不佩服这双鱼男的韧性。

协志感性地说他们等了好久才能办这场演唱会,在新加坡也拥有好多回忆,感谢大家2003年以来喜欢着他们,才有了当晚的重逢。他表示不知道还会不会有下一场演唱会,所以他们都把每一场都当最后一场来进行。 他语重心长地说,即使有人喜欢,也要有别人给予表演的舞台。 协志一番感性的话,却是很到位地把现实钻入你的心坎里。人生有起,也有落。他们走过了最辉煌的一段旅程,也熬过了最低潮的时期,如今更懂得珍惜。





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Why a SUJU Special?

Simply because the legends are back, and this teases a long-anticipated reunion for the upcoming Super Show 8..

If 15 years in the KPOP scene weren’t enough to show you what they are capable of, just look at the source of immense strength behind them – that sea of sapphire blue which weathered through the storms. It’s been an extremely long wait for ELFs since 2010 for all SUJU members to be discharged from military service. That unwavering love is worth applauding for.

Much talk has been going on about SUJU appearing as a complete group in the 2nd half of 2019. To our dismay, they were lacked of Kyuhyun, Siwon & Heechul at the Hallyupop Fest 2019.

As the hall turned into a bobbing sea of sapphire blue when the intro music started playing, the flashing red lights and silhouette of these guys rising on stage, it propelled you into a moment of Déjà vu. That familiar moment when they emerged on stage to perform the 1st song “Superman” during Super Show 4, sprung back to mind instantaneously.

A voice inside of you would go “The Kings are back!”

Performance List
• Sorry, Sorry
• Bonamana
• One More Chance
• It has to be You (Yesung’s Solo)
• Drunk in the Morning (Ryeowook Solo)
• ‘Bout You – D&E
• Miracle

The sextet took the stage with their most classic hits “Sorry, Sorry” and “Bonamana”. The one thing you will love about a Super Junior performance is that ELFs know exactly when to execute their fan chants so perfectly.




It was apparent they were not on form that day as there were varying pitches or notes that they couldn’t hit well. Age has certainly caught up with them as they panted heavily after 2 dance tracks, but their will power is commendable.

What’s a Super Junior performance without their impromptu, funny banter? That’s one of the main highlights. They just couldn’t stop talking once they open up their chatter box.

Can we have a Super Talk Show series coming up too? We can just listen to them talk about anything under the sun and laugh for 3 hours.

From how they attempted English, Mandarin, professing their love for chili and pepper crabs and asking one another to smell their fingertips, attempted quirky dance moves, you would just shake your head but smile in agreement that “Dorks will be Dorks”.

嘴巴最甜的 Donghae started addressing the fans as “亲爱的,宝贝” etc and praising them to be “漂亮,可爱,Sexy”. What a sweet talker he is! It undoubtedly melted many ELFs’ hearts.

Yesung was in an exceptionally bright mood that day, as he could be seen beaming from time to time and responding to fans who shouted his name. Eunhyuk started speaking in English, saying a Big Hello and how much he misses Singapore and sending some flying kisses, while an unimpressed Yesung mimicked him with an annoyed “Tsk”.

After a few good minutes about eating crabs, Lee Teuk tried to pacify the audience saying that they are better than any of the crabs that they had. Should fans feel happy being compared to a delicious local dish?

The Tom & Jerry Duo (Yesung and Eunhyuk) who were nearest to Lee Teuk, began loosening the laces on Teuk’s top to reveal some chest muscles and cleavage, while Teuk proudly said “big size”.
These guys are just one of the most hilariously funny lot.

Teukkie took the longest time to say his heartfelt words on stage, but he also let the cat out of the bag that Eunhyuk would extend his stay to tour around SG. Ain’t he such a SABO King or BAOTOH King?

Donghae described “One More Chance” as an emotional song and requested fans to switch on their mobile phones’ flash light, while Eunhyuk added on “If your cell phone’s battery is OK”. While the sea of blue and white “starlight” is not uncommon during “One More Chance” performances, it still warmed your hearts as the hall lit up in a sea of blue and white, just for these guys.

As KPOP fans may know, “Bout You” is a lively and chirpy track from Super Junior D&E’s previous album. There’s one part of the dance that got the crowd laughing in stitches, especially when you watch how Ryeowook and Lee Teuk execute those moves in the quirkiest manner.

While Leeteuk was expressing his gratitude to the fans for being with them all these years, he quipped that “Hallyupop Fest 2000” is an important event whereby artistes would showcase their best works. He said “Two Thousand” so confidently in English. It was not long before the members burst into laughter as he realised that it should be “Twenty Nineteen”! It appeared that Leader was too head over heels with the crabs in Singapore, that he had lost track of the year we are currently living in.

It was then when he talked about how they have been through 15 years because of their fans. They created a miracle back then called “Super Junior” and here they are still shining like a miracle.

We can’t say that SUPER JUNIOR is just a miracle without their hard work or ups and downs. They have been through much pain and sacrifices over the years, received tremendous love but also hurt and scrutiny with much fame.

As they bounced energetically around on stage and running across the runway, it felt as if time had stood still. They are still the young guys at heart that we know.

Whenever you see Lee Teuk going to every single little corner to make a 90-degree bow and thank the fans, it still warms your heart.

Nothing’s changed.

You will love Super Junior, not just for their performances, funny banter, sportsmanship, dorkiness, but also sincere nature. Not forgetting, they are the Kings of Fan Service.

They may not be the HOTTEST in town right now, but it is unlikely that those who are into KPOP have never heard about Super Junior. They have always kept their promises to leave no one behind.

While we hope to see a COMPLETE SUPER JUNIOR for Super Show 8, their label confirmed recently that it would only be a 9-member comeback.

Despite all that SJ is going through, there’s no obstacle that SUJU could not handle. To see SUJU complete and whole again, is the biggest wish that ELFs have all these years.

Someday, it will happen.

But for now, we will hang on tight till we see you guys back in Super Show 8.
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继 A-Lin 在2015年举办的” 声呐”世界巡回演唱会之后,”A-Lin Show” 是她在狮城举办的第4场个唱。演唱会是以她的一贯 Live Band 形式,简单的舞台设计和3套服装来进行。这为的是要拉近与观众之间的距离。除了少用手机”拍摄”,也是要更贴切主题 “A-Lin Show”,把注意力放在她的歌声上。

她一开唱,就能吸引所有人的视线和注意力。那具有爆发力的嗓音回荡在空气里,穿进你的心里,简直是比鸡皮疙瘩掉满地还要奇特的感觉。不管是飙高音,拉尾音或低音,A-Lin 稳健的台风和唱腔,都成功地俘虏了观众的耳膜。那独特的体验仿佛是顿时加入了特大规模的”情感交流站”。还是会被她的浑厚,高亢,撩人,勾魂和”锁魂”的嗓音,给迷倒。或许以现今的流行语来说,这就是所谓的”能让耳朵怀孕”的嗓音。

虽然只有短短的2小时,但这是场绝对值回票价的演唱会。可以有荣幸听 A-Lin 现场飙歌真的很 Shiok! 那仿佛能帮你消除疲劳和抒发所有的负面情绪。


若称她与生俱来的”铁肺”或”巨肺”是种天赋, 那她可算是一位功力非常深厚的 Super Hero. 她拿捏情感和演绎的方式都恰到好处,不会过分煽情。

She’s a powerhouse who requires only the love and passion from her audience to power charge. She’s generated by the amazingly, incredulous strengths of her vocals.

喜欢 A-Lin 爽朗的个性和幽默感。因为不想观众们只专注于对着手机看她的演出,于是就”命令”大家”放下手机,立地成佛”。这还真的戳到大家的笑点。看来这句很受用,会被列入A-Lin的经典名言之一。

她的歌声不只传递了喜怒哀乐,也承载着许多歌迷们人生所经历的事迹,”锁魂”的功力也不容忽视。除了满满的情感释放在歌声中, 那歌声弥漫在空气里,也渗入我们的血液和心坎里。那是一种可以把大家锁在当下的魔法,也是一种很值得回味的互动。

观众的热情可谓是满顶,不只大声合唱,也大声喊出他们对A-Lin爱的宣言。面对着座无虚席的观众,A-Lin难掩内心的亢奋和激动。A-lin 在台上数度哽咽的原因有几个,被新加坡歌迷的热情感动,很开心,也很兴奋。大伙儿的热情却也让她泪撒了好几回。她或许也是被自己的歌曲所感动或想起一些自己经历过的故事。


就是不需要太多的话语,只需要用心感受。或许你觉得她几乎每个周末都在演出,应该早已是列入”日常”, 但每一场的观众给的感动会令表演者有股莫名但不一样的感动。




她那开朗的个性具有感染力,也让大家度过了个愉悦温馨的夜晚。她会用大笑和哈哈声来为自己化解尴尬,也会自我调侃。人生也不就如此? 笑一笑,一切都会过去。

由于观众反应热情,A-Lin心情大好,一时兴起便开放点歌。 只是可惜实力派歌姬也会有忘词的时候。她很能为自己圆场,依旧哈哈大笑来化解忘词的尴尬和承诺下一次会唱给粉丝们听。但她也很爽快地唱了”天若有情”和”今晚你想念的是不是我”。就到最后的关键2首歌曲”给我一个理由忘记”和”好朋友的祝福”,现场变成了一片白色灯海。


It’s been a great nite~

P.S 新加坡爱你, A-Lin!
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We had an “Oh! Happy Day” with Park Bo Gum back in 2017, when we were moved by his excellent fan service and sincerity.

We’re thrilled to have him back to endow us with a “Good Day” in 2019.

It was a fabulously “Good Day”, whereby our hearts were filled to the brim by his altruistic nature. He’s not just a “precious sword”, but also a very “rare gem”.

What didn’t change is his humble, down-to-earth, sincere and genuine demeanor. It’s in your guts to be able to distinguish a sincere person immediately. You can tell he had wholeheartedly put in effort to spend an enjoyable and memorable day with his adorers.

While the game segments were cut down to accommodate a longer sing-and-dance session, the ever generous Bogummy still gifted many lucky fans with autographed items. He’s still as cheeky, bubbly, smiley, energetic, sweet, hardworking and emits positive vibes to everyone around him. We love a true gentleman who is so ever warm-hearted.

Decked in checkered brown suit and his megawatt smile, the hall crooned with cheers and applause while he started the FM with DAY6’s “I Like You”. He chose “May Your Everyday be a Good Day” as his 2nd FM theme because he felt that any moment spent together with his fans, is a GOOD day. Ah Ken praised Bogummy to be a very hardworking guy who took his rehearsals seriously and diligently practised every song on the list.

We vividly remembered him playing the piano and singing a BD song for a fan whose birthday happened to fall on the day of the FM. He did it again this year for all the birthday babies. This guy is never a facade.
He earnestly felt the fans deserved a BD song since they spent their important day with him, instead of their loved ones.

When asked how he acted out the cute “drunk scene” in “Encounter” since he doesn’t drink alcohol in real life, he expressed that it was just a feeling. He had sung for his friends over the phone like Jin Hyuk did in “Encounter”. He was in deep thoughts, revisiting his memories to recall the exact songs or scenarios. It was an adorably cute moment of silence. He is so unpretentious, even when it comes to giving responses.

The “Catch Up with Encounter” segment was the most heart palpitating. 3 lucky fans had the “Encounter” of their lifetime and re-enacted scenes with Park Bo Gum. Be it Bogummy putting scarf around their neck, taking a wefie or a backhug, these drew zealous screams from the crowd.

There was a table stacked full of autographed merchandises and personal items, such as calendars, sports shoes, clothes similar to those he had worn during filming and the hat he got from USS. He’s an endearing Santa Claus. It doesn’t have to be December to be the season of giving. Park Bo Gum makes you feel loved the whole year round!

The candle making segment opened our horizons to how he is like in real life – a perfectionist with some OCD traits.

Blue sand was chosen as it reminded him of the blue sky in Singapore, a lion figure which represents “Lion City”, five white stars and a heart shape that embodies his love for his fans.

He tried to ensure that the sand was leveled as flat as possible. We could hear amusing “cartoon” noises like “argh”, “wraahhh”, “hmmmphh”, “grrrr” when he couldn’t have the lion figurine standing on the sand after several failed attempts. It came to a point when he was so displeased and frustrated with his creations that he removed everything from the bottle, just to smoothen out the sand!

His seriousness & OCD in ensuring the D.I.Y Singapore candle was “perfect”, was a hilariously comical moment when he insisted the creation had to be pretty.

This did not deter Bogummy in making a “perfect” gift. He does not condone slip shod work and wanted the best for his fans.

This is not just an idol’s sweet and heartfelt way of reciprocating his devotees’ love, but also an act of his LOVE for them.

There were soulful renditions to ballads such as IU’s “Through the Night”, G.O.D’s “One Candle”, his previous dramas OST tracks, such as “Always Be with You”, “My Person” & “Swallowing My Heart”.

The atmosphere took a switch to being lively and chirpy when he began grooving to a 80s style hit, “Honey” from JYP. It cracked us up to see his hilarious and cheeky expressions while dancing to upbeat tunes such as TWICE’s “What is Love”, SEVENTEEN’s “Pretty You” & PSY’s “Entertainer”.

This isn’t something we expect from someone who’s usually so reserved. Getting audience to groove on their feet and “mocking” at them later for being “bad dancers”, was a “prank” that he totally enjoyed. He was absolutely delighted to see the audience being entertained.

The gracious actor walked down the aisles a few times to get up-close with the audience, distributing autographed rubber balls. Regardless the price you paid for the ticket, he ensured that no one was being left out.
He did not merely amuse us, but also touched us in many ways.

The climax of the night would undeniably be the moment when he sat by a black piano and began playing and singing along to JJ Lin’s “修炼爱情/Practice Love”。While he fumbled along the way with the lyrics, it was such a commendable effort that it had the audience cheering and singing aloud to help him with it. He totally awed us with this delightful surprise. The cheers and applause was the loudest at this magical moment. It was a heartwarming mass sing-along session.

He ended the night with Deul Guk Hwa’s “Blessing”, thanked the fans for being with him and wished all to be well and healthy, with the promise to reciprocate with better works.

While going through the Hi-5 session, he was tirelessly thanking everyone with a smile. I said a “Thank You”, while he greeted me with a very energetic “BYE”!

That positive energy is indeed infectious and his FMs would always top the 1st few on my ranking charts.

It’s certainly true that he draws his energy from his devotees’ love; for there wasn’t an instance he showed his weariness.

As if giving out autographed items, wefies, big hugs, dancing and singing weren’t enough to prove his love, he gave everyone a “love letter” and a Hi-5 too.

Just what would he not do to make his fans smile?

Just like the official light stick that he designed, he has a pair of invisible angel wings on his back. He stays very much rooted to his humble beginnings and never once forgets to live each day to the fullest and treats everyone the best that he can.

Our hearts are full because of you, Bogummy. Your heart is BIG and you showed us how generous and giving someone can be. These thoughts and gestures are the best presents you can “gift” anyone.

It wasn’t just a good day, but an unforgettable one.Read More →