It’s a well-thought out, simple but impactful gig, for Derrick Hoh to bid farewell to the current phase of his music career, before he embarks on the next phase to embrace new challenges. It was a cosy but intimate, heartfelt sharing session, which connected the home-grown singer with his fans.

The concept of this mini concert should be “Back to Basics, Simplicity at its Best”, with no frills no thrills but 满满的诚意和感谢。


There were about 17 or more songs in the set list which include 为梦想闪耀,晴天, 柠檬甜甜的, 换我爱你, 做你的他, 当我知道你们相爱,每时每刻,变化,假装不了,All I want, 我恨我爱你, Love Song, 原谅我, 我不會唱歌, 克罗地亚的天空, 你走天桥,我走地下道…

还记得12年前的自己是什么模样吗? 当时的自己怀抱着什么梦想和理想?

现在的你, 已实现了你的梦想, 依然追寻着, 还是已经放弃了呢?

It hasn’t been 一眨眼 for Derrick Hoh but the little chipmunk from“Project Superstar” has grown and matured over the years, yet still keeping his 初衷.

还记得”绝对 Superstar”时, 许多评判都说他唱歌像是嘴里含着糖一样。


听他唱着这些歌, 脑海里会有许多回忆浮现。 His voice is still as soothing and gentle to the ears.

Sincerity definitely can be felt.

There was also an additional autograph and photo taking session whereby Derrick could express his thanks to his fans and also for the fans to be able to give him some encouragement and support while bringing back some fond memories.

Thanks for the heartfelt performance.

Jiayou, my favourite little chipmunk from Project Superstar~

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