这部由郎祖筠执导,黄韵玲担任音乐总监的音乐剧, “我的妈妈是Eny”将从5月18日至6月22日在新加坡胜淘沙名胜世界办30场公演。

原以为这会是部搞笑的作品,孰料却在结尾的几场戏, 落下了泪滴,也听到有些周围的观众在啜泣。众演员们以轻松诙谐的方式带过现代人生活的日常。有搞笑,也有温馨的部分,写实的不得不让你我探讨我们都在那么忙着追寻的一切,其实都不比亲人重要。试着从对方的角度看事情,就会多份体谅,少些埋怨。

至今还在我脑海里盘旋着的就是这句 “曾经她是闯进我家的陌生人, 现在她是我难以割舍的家人”。


只要将心比心,真诚以对, 有些人可以相处的和家人一样亲密。

虽然这是部台湾制作的音乐剧, 但搬来狮城演出也做了一些调整,例如把比较贴切新加坡的社会课题, 用词, Singlish 都融入音乐剧。除了罗美玲的 Eny 角色,其他演员都是本地人。赖宇涵饰演泼辣爱撒娇的阿嬷,林尤发饰演患有老人痴呆症的阿公,汤薇恩饰演是个职业女性的妈妈, 陈俊铭饰演很认真工作的爸爸,谢颖泽饰演可爱也渴望家人有多点时间陪伴他的小杰 Jeremy.

最大的挑战应该也是让 Jaspers Lai 来反串 “爱撒娇又泼辣的可爱奶奶”吧? 本地观众对”梁婆婆”,”梁四妹”, “Auntie Lucy” 等反串角色并不陌生,所以接受度并不是个问题。

起初有点担心以”搞笑”的方式饰演音乐剧里的奶奶,会不会让人少了些感动的部分? 但其实那些看似”搞笑”的表演方式,也很生动的演活了本地 Auntie 的特色。

本地观众应该不会对罗美玲感到陌生。还记得她那一头火红色的短发和那首脍炙人口的”红色向日葵”吗? 她的歌声依旧那么好听,唱现场也是很有魄力。她说话的语调像极了印尼华侨。她表演的方式也充满了朝气。

另外值得一提的是, 本地歌手 Chriz 汤薇恩的歌声也真是悦耳动听,清澈中附带着浓浓的情感。

– 三代同堂 (同在一个屋檐下) 所带来的冲突与矛盾,
– 双薪家庭 (dual income families) 所带来的矛盾 (父母忙着赚钱养家,却没时间陪孩子和家人,工作压力大, 少了沟通,也容易产生误会和发生口角)
– 职业女性 (working mums) 要如何兼顾事业和家庭
– 帮佣在现今家庭里扮演的角色除了分担家务事,也身兼”母职”和”媳妇”的责任
– 由生活压力而导致的家庭暴力事件


帮佣在许多新加破家庭里, 起着举足轻重的作用。她们同时是好帮手,帮忙照料家里的大小事,也渐渐变成了照顾顾主的小孩和长辈的”家人”。

Worklife Balance 在新加坡是很难 achieve 的。






从起初的不信任,排斥,不友善的态度,到渐渐的 Eny 成为这个家庭所有成员重要的”连接点”,和不可或缺的一份子, 不只让音乐剧里的角色有所成长,也让观众沉思。

社会对于外来劳工和外籍新娘比较排斥和排挤。但音乐剧里的老师说得对, “妈妈”这个角色,都是不分国际,宗族和语言的。

剧里也传达了一个很重要的信息: 乘父母还在世时, 尽量多花时间陪他们。


记住了, 时间不等人。

其实只要多花点心思沟通,互相谅解,还有更重要的是, 要多说”谢谢”,”对不起”,和”我爱你” ,许多家人之间的冲突,其实是可以避免的。

看完之后,会让你更 appreciate 和珍惜你的家人。

就算再忙, 也要花时间陪他们。

It’s not easy doing musicals in Singapore and we should try to support our local performers!

Go grab your tickets to this localised-Taiwan Musical (https://www.sistic.com.sg/events/mommy0618) that would not only keep you in much laughter, some tears but also time to self reflect!

A big thank you to the cast & crew for such an enjoyable night!

Keep the energy and passion burning for the rest of the performances!Read More →

The spooky and kooky Addams Family has made its way from UK to Singapore and it’s a pleasure to catch the opening act of this dark comedy musical.

With its impressive stage set up, spectacular set, ever changing backdrops and props, from moving stairways, living room, bedrooms, attic, torture chamber, dining hall, graveyard and starry skies, there was never a dull moment admiring these visual aesthetics.

Every character on stage has great vocals. You would particularly love Carrie Hope Fletcher (Wednesday Adams) & Rebecca Thornbill’s (Morticia Addams) singing.

The audience cheered with hoot calls when Lurch who only had lines such as “Mmmmhhphhpp” throughout the entire musical, finally sang at the end.

One interesting scene is the one when both families sat down to play “The Game”. The synchronisation of the cast’s vocals was just so melodious and you would love how they sang their respective parts for “Full Disclosure”.

Alice Beineke’s revelations after taking the potion “Acromonium”, were particularly impressive and astounding.

Favourite scenes in Act 2 include Wednesday & Lucas’ version of “Crazier Than You” and the Tango Dance between Gomez and Morticia.

While the story line is pretty much predictable and some of the songs being a little lengthy, the cast managed to bring out some important messages or what’s going on with most people’s daily lives in a more light-hearted manner.

Here are some themes:

– What one defines as “normal” may be “peculiar” from another person’s perspective. So just be yourself.

– Keep the love warm even after marriage

– Full Honesty in a Marriage – Yay or Nay?

Human relationships are complicated & ever-changing. When the Addams and Beinekes open their minds & hearts to one another’s differences, they realised how seeing from one another’s perspectives could help them deal with their own issues as well.

The Addams may be weird but they manage to stay on as a closely-knitted family because of their love for one another and willingness to accept everyone as who they are.

The ones who love you, will not ask you to change, but to be true to yourself.

This is probably the most beautiful thing that the musical has brought to us.

Get your tickets if you haven’t done so.

The Addams Family will be here to stay till 3 December.Read More →