
你会试图改变些什么? 最想做的又是什么?

I may be slow to jump onto this journey to the past with “Go Back Couple”, but it’s better late than never. It’s a 温馨小品 that you should watch, or even re-watch since it relates so closely to our daily lives.

A trip back to 18 years ago could be nostalgic, but it also brings back bittersweet memories.

This drama is not just about dealing with marriages, but all your interpersonal relationships. It’s about every aspect of life, the rationale behind your decisions and their consequences, youth, first loves, growing up, dreams, passion, etc. It makes you reflect and laugh at the same time. 充满感触和感慨。

I’m not a fan of drama themes with going back to the past or future, for the ending is definitely about parting and returning to where they belong. You can relate well to the drama because of real life struggles that we face in our 30s, the many regrets and “What If”s in life. Traveling back in time allows the leads to revisit, mend or rekindle relationships with their family members and friends in the past.

人生就是一段旅程。能够回到过去,或许就像戏里说的”也许我们只是暂时去了一趟旅行,而所有的旅行终究是为了回归。是为了更爱惜自己的所有,才选择出发的。 ”

If you like 那些年 or 我的少女时代, you should like this too. I like how they go back to the past and look the same as they were in their 20s but with a more matured mind set of a 38-year old. You would laugh at yourself for all the silly things you did when you were in your 20s.

The breaking point of their relationship is the death of Jin Joo’s mother. It is a painful void that cannot be erased from their hearts.


I like how the story started with the wedding ceremony that was so sweet & comical, for we know the “happily ever after” in romance comedies don’t exist in reality.

接下来的画面就是14年后离婚,摧残的模样,形成了强烈的对比。结了婚之后, 爱情会由农转淡,渐渐转换成亲情,感情和责任。这是种相呼应的关系。或许小时候童话故事看多了,听多了,人们都会对婚礼和婚姻有着不切实际的憧憬,但慢慢长大之后,许多人都会对婚姻有莫名的恐惧。




Jang Nara still looks quite pretty and youthful, though she made herself look like a shagged housewife. She portrayed the agonizing parts about being a mid 30s housewife vs a 20-year old college student very well. Son Ho Jun is very comical but he can also make you tear with some of his more somber moments.

They both experienced heart thumping moments again when they met their first loves back in varsity days. Well, it does take you on a memory lane.
Their chemistry is very much on point, not overly dramatic or lacking. They are definitely a “make-believe” couple that we see in our daily lives.

After being together for 18 years, they lost the passion and took things for granted. They tried to avoid each other at all costs when they returned to the past, but they eventually realized they still love and care for each other.

Jang Ki Young did a pretty good job too. It’s a 10 yrs difference between him & Jang Nara. You fully understand why Jang Nara thanked him at the awards for being able to look at her like a college girl.
Love is never about the conditions or how well someone treats you. It has to be something reciprocal.

故事策划方面还挺 detailed 的,例如90年代发生的大件事和许多90年代流行的发型和服饰,还有当年的 Pager, Flip hand phones, cassette, video tapes, movie DVDs.里头也看到了”阿飞正转”的 DVD, 听见红极一时的”Titanic”主题曲”My Heart Will Go On”,还有1999年的”世界末日”论。


那些念大学时的校庆和 Open House,还真的让人仿佛回到了学生时代。他们当时最想做的是即兴旅行。The carefree days when you could just go BBQ, camping and have fun with your friends. 顿时,好想脱离只有还贷款的年代。

It’s a chance for them to regain those feelings they had when they were younger, so that they understand why they did what they did.




The scenes on how she tried to make up for the lost time and cherished every single moment and create more memories with her mum, would grip your hearts. The final scene when they bade farewell and her mum finding out that she came from the future, was heart breaking enough to make me tear nonstop at 3am.

珍珠20岁时是”校花”类型,但成了 ahjuma 后,别人都只是为了卖保险而靠近她。



大家对初恋的定义都不一样。是第一个令你怦然心动,第一个接吻,或第一个交往的人呢?看到主角们在争论自己那最美丽的初恋时, 嘴角会不禁的上扬。

一个想要的是陪着她,不是守护她的人,不是顾着赚钱而是陪她一起吃饭,一起哭和悲伤的人。另一个则只想让她笑, 再也不想看见她哭。

Communication is the key to any relationship.

世界上没有什么是理所当然的。我们往往对于习惯的事物,别人对我们的好,都习以为常。不是所有事情都 comes in a package.

这戏想带给大家最大的message 就是人与人之间最重要的就是沟通,不要把一切都当作理所当然,要珍惜现在和眼前人。

This is a heartwarming drama, which gives us some important life lesson. The script is meaningful; the main and supporting cast delivered their roles well with good chemistry. It gives you a warm feeling after watching the entire drama.

希望大家都有所领悟和收获,也能把受益的运用在各自的生活里。Read More →